Ok a thanks button is a button that u push for if ppl helped u and it would be like right under the persons name and u can press it if they did somthing nice for you-heres the topic http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=832-Heres is somthing like it except this is Rep+ http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2277-672.jpg-So if u like the idea please vote yes and u dont say no all we need is 5 votes and it will happen thanks guys
yo when i get my xbox 360 around tuesday or monday does any 1 want to boost for the achivments? i really want that ninja sword and i figured out how to boost with ppl so if any one wants to Post here or just add -iArZoniSt-but iv got to wait for my 360 so be patient
ya i like how he cant talk better then other ppl to u, but same here my xbox has been messing up until that 1 day it wanted to stop playing dics...but i herd that microsoft used sony HD drives back the day for there old xboxes thats why they lasted longer but then they switched it to some crappyer kind that was less expensive but that might just be my error i dont know about others.. im still waiting for mine...good luck with your wait
iv seen a super bounce forge once guy made the teleporter just right to make it so when he jumped in them from a high place u would go hella high in the air and he put them all around the map it was cool