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Everything posted by XXlMODDERlXX

  1. lol i love it 10 out of 10
  2. ya and how did u get the elephent to fly like that
  3. ok so theres a flame flower...in a fun mod? sounds wierd but looks fun at the same time
  4. Credits-SevenSins Member step 1 go into edit mode (Forge) step 2 go to the beach and go as close to the invis barrer as pos. Method 1: Go into the editing mode and placing a monoose and get one person in the front and another in the back, the front one gets ont and turns into the index then pics ub the mongoose then presses LB then the mongoose gets pushed threw the barrer. Then once out u can turn into forge and make a teleporter out the map then u can get a banshee out and fly to the top and get one person to hold a crate and spawn a teleporter on top of the crate and u can skydive by going though a teleporter. Method 2: U can place a spawn outside the map and u wont get thrown out. Then once out u can turn into forge and make a spawn point out the map or a teleporter then u can get a banshee out and fly to the top and get one person to hold a crate and spawn a teleporter and u can skydive threw a teleporter. Video Soon!!!!!!! Hope u like it.
  5. ya im hoping they will realease it soon, they will probably make u pay for it
  6. Credit goes to Shadow LAG-Halo Mods Halo 3 Anti Gravity glitch Watch Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNap3NeRwtQ Steps (follow video) 1) Spawn Ghost and position to somewhere you will remember. 2) Set runtime minimum to its maximum 3) Set respawn time to 10 seconds 4) Drive it away 5) Spawn another ghost (exact placement) 6) Set runtime minimum to its maximum 7) Set respawn time to 180 seconds Spawn rocket launcher 9) Take a deep breath 10) Shoot 180 sec ghost then shoot 10 sec 11) Wait for a ghost to respawn and drive it away for a few seconds, check its respawn time with X. If it is 10 sec wait for the other to respawn 12) Pick up 10 sec ghost and 180 sec should be lifted instead (if not repeat steps 1-12) 13) drop ghost let friend get in unused one 14) pick up control ghost after friend is in 15) Enjoy Note: if you delete the trigger vehicle and spawn a new object it will be the new trigger item. Credits: Darkshallfall (founder) turk (founder) truelife (founder) Detox (co-founder) Shadow LAG (co-founder, perfection, film)
  7. w00t i got my 26 last night and my Lieutenant legit no cheating
  8. like peaches says i dont like the #s i cair for the like the rankings like Lieutenant or Sergeant geting them up but im a 14 cuse i play rumble pit alot
  9. you get the ninja sword from egting 1000 achivments on halo 3 once u get all 1000 u get a ninja sword on your back all get a pic soon
  10. w00t i finally got my skull now all i need is 1000 achivments and i get that dang ninja sword w00t
  11. From Halo Mods- Demonic and I have been pileing into this map for what seem to be like for ever, and its finally done. Expect updates in the near future. I am also sad to say this may be my last mod for a while or maybe forever so please take some time to try the map and give nessisary feedback http://www.2shared.com/file/2306645/f034e45/havok.html The map features a full skin, mortar launchers abouve map that shoot mortars into the map(not ai) , and a sexy fence across teh middle(with gates) The spartan laser, gravity lift, and power drain are in this map, for all of you waiting for them. No pics no proof you say: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-1.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-2.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-3.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-4.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-5.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-6.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-7.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-8.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1672-9.jpg
  12. aw ok gamertag-iArZoNiSt Time-7:00pm Western i dont know what time but mabye round 7 thanks cesar
  13. hmm how do u guys resize your images photoshop? or is there a way to do it?
  14. ok i need some help on geting the iwhbyd skull because i activated all the rings once and got the skull and when i saved and quite and went to go c all my skulls it wasnt there so i was wondering if u guys can help me and its my last skull to get for the ninja helmet so ya and also all help u with the skulls if u need some so ya thanks
  15. lol hey wow u the only one that posted here..lol sorry peaches but i miss the old site it had lots more ppl then this site and no 1 talks on here and i still think me and death should get global lol sorry but its the way i feel
  16. hey i got bored so i stoped by ibotmodz..it looks like every 1 left to me lol but um ya i might start geting on more often if i get the chance but i dont c alot more stuff going on ibotmodz thanks
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