omfg wdf i dont get if bungie dosent want us modding then why arent they trying to stop us with these maps and the ppl that make them there so retarted
this DS emultaot alows you to play ds and ds games on your computer! works fine but there could be some erros so be carful,You will also need to download roms (Roms are basicly the games them selfs) but here is the latest ds emultor- you have any trouble then just pm me and if you need roms or want one i will look for it-please enjoy- Update- Download Roms here,
hey every one iv been gone for a long ass time and some of you probably dont cair but iv wanted to see how ibotmodz is doing any ways i will try to be more active once i come around the site and iv got one question why was i rewared with a metal for retired staff and founder of ibotmodz (not that i dont want them just wondering)?!?! any ways hope you like my return and all post as much as i can thanks,XXlMODDERlXX
( dont know how to spell dissapear..) ok when i use yellow tranier oon outskirts,metroplois, or like buiral grounds (only does for a few maps) my character dissapears (ITS NOT BECAUSE I HAVE 2 CONTROLLERS IN I ONLY HAVE 1 IN!) so does any 1 know how i can fix this and like a huge hologram comes up in the sky and its my character
does any one know how to do what the title says because i dont have action replay any more but i want tp put these profiles on to my other modded xbox but i dont know how?so like how?
ok, i finally came out with a clan and i have no one in it yet because well ya i just started in it so any ways the site is a freewebs site because i dont feel like doing all the hard work with a real website so i just used freewebs for now and i hope to get more ppl into the clan as soon as possible so heres all you need to get in, 1:Talk to me and we will chat, 2:37 or higher, 3:must have atleast half the achivments 4:post a picture of your best moment Thats it may seem alot but you guys are smart im hoping to get some ppl to help me working on the clan and website so if any one is intrested plz pm me so thats and plz try out and i will get you started as soon as possible ---------------------------------------------------- Here is the website so far so plz its a freewebs website