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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Im going to miss you laxatives :'(
  2. O my haha i thought i was posting in lax's dead computer topic xD my bad
  3. :'( Im going to miss you
  4. Haha dude i love it you are a beast at paint
  5. random bg doesnt blend colors dont watch work on depth Kiu though:)
  6. Nice tut man, ill give it a go tomorrow when i get my laptop
  7. friends, movies music raves partys shows
  8. I...thought...i...was...gonna...get...a....gift... But this is awesome for paint
  9. .MeLo♥


    Bioshock is amazing yet very scary playing at 12:00 and hearing a demon thing scream
  10. Well, i have pretty much all the apple products iPhone, iPod video, iPod mini, iPod nano, iPod video nano thing, iPod thouch, iPod uber old one I <3 apple except macs, boo macs
  11. Thanks for the share mate!
  12. Hahaaha you make me laugh
  13. Were not allowed to post a crack and a ripped ps cs3 If you want i can just pm you photoshop cs2, its exactly the same imo
  14. .MeLo♥


    We know Any serious ones going to be made? I made a serious one!
  15. Hi crystal Im on of the coolest kids ever so youll have fun no matter what
  16. Egh if you got tricked into it its your fault Ive hacked many o' xbox accounts in my day Are you going to ban me?
  17. Im sorry i forgot that ripping is your style
  18. deathgrip do you have aim or msn?
  19. Yay! I made it from scratch
  20. .MeLo♥


    I think you should use mine
  21. Ok And getting kicked from a game is nothing like having a $%#^%# site go down for 2 minutes
  22. I didnt say you were $%#^%# upset you called him an ass for temoraraly takeing it off and "Yeah like seriously... People do pay for their domains... Here you go being an ass an whipping them off." isnt a $%#^%# question
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