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no, the Liberty Prime Laser (ITS AWESOME!!!, PEOPLE EXPLODE WHEN HIT AND IT USES MF AMMO) ________________________________________________________________________ Heres my tutorial
np I think I know a way to be able to make new places, like maybe being able to remove walls and doors and add bigger rooms like the white house dome inside the Tenpenny suite _______________________________________________________ so I need the ID for the Vault 101 door and the wall next the medical bed in the Tenpenny Suite
=Fallout 3 Console Item Modding Tutorial= Requirements- Xplorer (20 gig HDD // 120 gig HDD) Hex Workshop Optional- Hex Editor ___________________________________________________________ The Tutorial Step 1: First connect your hard drive to the your computer (via: Transfer Cable/XSATA/XPORT) Step 2: Now open up Xtreme or Xplorer depending on your hard drive and find your Fallout 3 location. (It will be in Partition 3, maybe about 3 or 4 lines down, it varies) Step 3: Drag your save onto your desktop Step 4: Open up your save with Hex Editor Step 5: Open Hex Workshop and select at the top "File" > "New" Step 6: While in Hex Workshop select "Edit" > "Insert" then select 4 and hit enter Step 7: now on one of the websites below find the base ID you want, for me I will use the Financial Clipboard Base ID which is 00025236 (it will look like: 00 02 52 36) http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/2588/87369570.jpg Step 8: now type in your base ID in the area that you have http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/7449/20994220.jpg Step 9: Select that ID and go to "Tools" > "Operations" > "Byte Flip" Step 10: In the drop down box select "32 Bit Unsigned Long" and Click OK. Step 11: Now if you used the Financial Clipboard then it will now look like this: 36 52 02 00 Step 12: Now go back to your save in Hex Editor (aka HxD) and hit CTRL + F (Find) Step 13: Now type in your new Base ID and hit "Find" Step 14: and now replace that with another Base ID, so lets use Liberty Prime's Laser Beam, the original Base ID for that was 00033FE2 and now it is E23F0300 Step 15: so now that you replaced 36520200 with E23F0300 then save your new file and open up your resigner/rehasher Step 16: Open your save, then Resign and Rehash Step 17: Now put your new save back onto your hard drive and play it (*This will replace EVERY financial clipboard in the area that you are in with the Liberty Prime Laser, and you can only take that item when it is in and object's inventory) (** Not all items can only be taken through another objects inventory, just items without a world model) so now you should be able to mod Fallout 3's Console Items ____________________________________________________________ =Console Websites= CheatCC Fallout Wiki ____________________________________________________________ Already Converted IDs Green Plate= 3FB60500 Red Plate= 3EB60500 White Plate= 3DB60500 Cherry Bomb= 08210200 Scrap Metal= 44190300 Squrrel-On-A-Stick= 49190300 Vault 87 Jumpsuit= ED400300 Vault 92 Jumpsuit= F3730B00 Earnings Clipboard= 37520200 Financial Clipboard= 36520200 Tesla Power Pack= 71F50800 Liberty Prime Laser= E23F0300 Ghoul Mask= 1CDC0100 Shot Glass= B5400300 Vertibird Gun= 519C0800 Science Skill Book= 3C400300 Small Guns Skill Book= 3E400300 Speech Skill Book= 44400300 Sneak Skill Book= 45400300 Energy Weapons Skill Book= 41400300 Lockpick Skill Book= 46400300 Big Guns Skill Book= 48400300 Mutilated Ogans= D9F20600 Pre-War Money= 67400300 Firelance= BA800C00 Mirelurk Meat= 4E400300 Dirty Water= A4510100 Pure Water= A3510100 Army Power Armor= 721A0600 Army Power Helmet= 084C0100 You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L!= EFB20A00 Paladin Crossâs Armor= 736C0600 Mirelurk Meat= 4E400300 Mys. Stranger .44 Magnum= 920F0500 Requires Operation Anchorage Sim. Winterized Power Amor= 8DC10000 (8DC10003?) Sim. Winterized Power Helmet= 081F0000 (081F0000?) General Chase's Overcoat= 7BAD0003 Winterized Army Mechanic= ECA00003 Winterized Chinese Uniform= CAC10003 General Jingwei's Unfiorm= CAC10000 General's Hat= C8C10000 Stealth Armor= 8FC10003 Requires The Pitt Ashur's Power Armor= 52680002 Requires Broken Steel Clothing Wig= 663B0003 Composite Recon Helmet= B5880003 Enclave Hellfire Helmet= 80100003 Enclave Hellfire Armor= 81100003 Police Hat= 91B40A00 All-Nighter Nightwear= 64B90003 Lag-Bolt's Combat Armor= 5FB90003 Lag-Bolt's Shades= 60B90003 Weapons Callahan's Magnum= 06B80003 Tri-Beam Laser Rifle= 18580003 Slo-Burner Flamer= B3910003 Rapid-Torch Flamer= B1910003 Precision Gatling Laser= 95880003 Heavy Incinerator= 84100003 Tesla Cannon= 25670003 Discharge Hammer {Cut Content}= BF880003 Aid Aqua Pura= 4F100003 Aqua Cura= 626F0003 Holy Water= 7A4C0003 Miscellaneous Item Tesla Coil= 87560003 Senate Employee ID= 8E2E0003 Super Mutant Blood Sample= 959F0003 Main Fuse= 1E640003 Deathclaw Control Scrambler- 30650003 People (Reference/Base) Paladin Cross= 35270600/E5560100 Eulogy Jones= 10600200/9F560100 Mister Lopez= 5AE70100/59E70100 Clover= D8840300/A2560100 Ted Strayer= 57E70100/BE560100 Tulip= 22760B00/F8560100 Charon= E1B80200/F6560100 Extra Vault 101 Door= 3F550B00 and/or 10470200 Bush1 = 87CB0100 Cut Content Wanda (Assault Rifle)= 33B50600 Black Bart's Bane (BB Gun)= 35B50600 Curse Breaker= BB800C00 _____________________________________________ Item > Item = Yes Item > People = No Item > World Unmovable Object = ??? Item > World Movable Object ??? People > Item = ??? People > People = Yes People > World Unmovable Object = ??? People > World Movable Object = ??? World Unmovable Object > Item = ???? World Unmovable Object > People = ??? World Unmovable Object > World Unmovable Object = ??? World Unmovable Object > World Movable Object = ??? World Movable Object > Item = ??? World Movable Object > People = ??? World Movable Object > World Unmovable Object = ??? World Movable Object > World Movable Object = ???
I don't have Broken Steel (yet) but I already know I have a gun that is better than the Gauss Rifle, Tesla Cannon (not sure on what that is yet, but it sounds like a really good gun) the Old Col. Aut. Laser Pistol, Man Opener, Elemental MIRV combined that is just how awesome I am (and Im not exagerating, and yes I have 360 version, lol)
Here's some info about Point Lookout, Maryland http://www.geotimes.org/june06/Travels0606.html http://www.vmi.edu/archives.aspx?id=11497 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html...FB767838D679FDE ________________________________________________________________________________ Will there be an Asylum full of Ghouls? ________________________________________________________________________________ Heres some more \+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/ |=============================================================| /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\ Since Im so nice, I will try and fix the above post You know what it could be it could come out on a disc in August. It will likely take place in Point Lookout Maryland.A bundl1e of Broken Steel and Point Look on DVD is available for preorder in some stores, such as eStarland, MSN Shopping and Bountii. >Bethesda Software Pete Hines has stated that there are no announced plans for additional DLC. While this is true, it does not actually deny (or confirm) any rumors regarding Keep your fingers crossed that there's more info,the four or five people that post in these topics. **** YEAH it's been confirmed. Point Lookout will be the fourth Fallout 3 downloadable content pack, to be released in late June 2009 for the Xbox 360 and Games for Windows Live. The PlayStation 3 version is to be released after the first three DLCs have been released. The DLC will cost 800 Microsoft points or $9.99. It is being designed by Joel Burgess and Nate Purkeypile. Point Lookout takes place in the Fallout equivalent of Point Lookout State Park, Maryland a new swampland area filled with new quests and content. Its incarnation in the Fallout setting is supposedly more of a "seaside vacation town with a boardwalk" and said to have a larger landscape with a "swampy-horror vibe" to explore New locations New perks New quests and side quests New weapons and armor You can see some new clothing in the pic looks like a hoody and some,what are those things called that you wear when you go into lakes and stuff idk. Tribals refers to the name given to rural inhabitants by those still living in urban areas. They have shrugged off many modern ways of living, and returned to a simpler hunter-gatherer mentality. Tribals often look upon the traders and occupants of cities with disdain, viewing their way of life as "scavenging the dying corpse of the old world." Despite the fact that tribals are generally healthier and in better physical condition than their urban-dwelling countrymen, they are viewed with disdain and often hostility. It is not unknown for tribals to be captured and put to work as slaves. This unfortunate fact goes some way towards explaining the animosity between urban dwellers and tribals. <Crow was a tribal. New location TheDuchess Gambit is a ferry which will appear in the DLC and is operated by Tobar. Trapper Shack http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Point_Lookout_Trapper_Shack.jpg The Mansion The Boardwalk This is first location you'll discover upon arriving in Point Lookout via the Duchess Gambit from the Capital Wasteland. The boardwalk is home to the few vendors found in Point Lookout. Because the area has no caravans, this is reportedly the only place in which you can buy and sell goods in the DLC. Weapons The Double Barrel Shotgun The weapon has already been shown in the official trailer. Knowing that it has a longer barrel, and that the hail has to travel farther before it leaves the barrel, it appears to be more accurate, with increased range and presumably do more damage than its sawn off conterpart A Shovel A Repeater Rifle you can also see the Civil War Hat Items Punga Fruit NPCs Tobar Desmond Desmond is a ghoul that before the War he was a secret agent (******* cool) Now he lives in the Calevert mansion His home is constantly being attacked by a Tribal Cult that wants to gain some secrets hidden within its walls. He is shown shortly in the trailer. (about 18 seconds in) Clothing Civil War Hat Quest Achievements The Local Flavor http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/f/fe/The_Local_Flavor.png Walking With Spirits http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/8/83/Walking_with_Spirits.png A Meeting of the Minds http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/6/68/A_Meeting_of_the_Minds.png Non-Quest Achievments Bog Walker Discover all locations within Point Lookout http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/0/0e/Bog_Walker.png New perks =============================================================== \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Special: Point Lookout Trailer Check here frequently for updates
my avatar is a pic of me being happy lol _________________________________________ but seriously I have a patch that can remove the watermark I will add a link to it soon
Thats why for the second offer that he will be given will be a chocolate chip cookie, that is a better deal than 2 controllers
yayy, I don't get disconnected from the internet anymore because of Build 7077
I have Windows 7, and it is better than Vista (I have build 7077)
2 words- SPELL CHECK _________________________________________________ I couldn't understand half of that
CoD 5 has been patched for about a week and CoD 4 has just recently been patched
why do so many people make these?
it looks good
Joined: (this version of the site, on IPB) Aug 18 2008, 10:35 AM Other Aliases: DeadDark Ruler, ReapersModz Posts: (after this post) 265 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): Im not sure on which one was this one, it might be the one that I joined a few years ago Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: Yes (both), so only people who deserve it can get some of the higher content Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: I support it 100%
so 2 things- 1. how do you get the other buttons working? 2. how do you get low gravity? (I have already tried .set g_gravity "300"; .set BUTTON_BACK g_gravity "300"; .bind g_gravity "300"; .bind BUTTON_BACK g_gravity "300", and yes I replaced .(AE) to .(0A)
the noclip in that list is wrong, its- .bind BUTTON_BACK(or BUTTON_START) "noclip" you can also use "ufo" instead of "noclip"
yeah and you can only have one at a time on, that sucks I guess the main 2 would be give "all" and "god" or g_speed "" and g_gravity ""
I found a list on GameTuts BUTTON_BACK BUTTON_START (You shouldn't need this, but oh well.) BUTTON_RSHLDR BUTTON_LSHLDR BUTTON_RTRIG BUTTON_LTRIG BUTTON_RSTICK (This is the click) BUTTON_LSTICK BUTTON_RSTICK_DEFLECT_ (min, max) BUTTON_LSTICK_DEFLECT_ BUTTON_A BUTTON_B BUTTON_X BUTTON_Y DPAD_UP (No 'button') DPAD_DOWN DPAD_LEFT DPAD_RIGHT (I don't get why A, B, X, Y didn't work when I tried them before, I will be trying this list)
what a rip off
so anyone know the others?
I have researched this for a while now, I know tons of commands these are the only 2 I know- BUTTON_BACK = Back Button BUTTON_START = Start Button Ive tried for the y button- "Y_BUTTON" Y BUTTON "BUTTON_Y" BUTTON_Y yBUTTON
we warned you so, I say you got what you deserved
HashBlock (the rar comes with a great resigner and HashBlock fixes any errors during the rehashing process
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