So, I made a modded map about 3 months ago, I put it on my file share and it has been there for those 3 months (including a gametype that you can find, it is the first, in by typing in the tag "Mod") my friend puts it in his File share, and he has been file share banned for 1 year, but I have never banned for even 1 day Im not complaining, but Im just wondering how I haven't been banned.... use this site it is an IP Board and it has a Shoutbox tied into the banning system and it even has a shop, arcade, and a lot more all FREE Take a Look at my site to see what I mean and the urls are pretty short, the only add on is-
maybe we are _______________________________________ but really yeah, there are a lot of words that shouldn't be filtered like the whole word for dam d-a-m-n and others
Treacherous Description- This area now lies in ruins from sandstorms and time. Bring a shovel. 6-16 players It said that I can't put IMG tags, so here's the links Side View- Red Asymm Game- Blue Symm Game- the pics don't do that map justice, so don't judge by them Similarities- Blood Gulch/Coagulation Sandtrap Avalanche Valhalla Gametypes- Every (including Neutral Flag) Specials- All towers have been blocked No Mods Mostly Everything fused FXs for Asymmetrical games only (Infection/Oddball/Territories/etc) makes sand black Wraith for Asymmetrical games only Vehicles- (*Note, the following are just at one base, it is the same thing at the other) Tank Warthog Chopper 2 Mongeese Banshee Trans Hornet Wraith (Asymm Only) Weapons- (*) Sniper Rifle Carbine Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle BR Laser (in mid) More BR (around map) Missle pods (near bases) 2 Shotguns, low clips (near recievers) ,and I probably forgot some weapons Equipment- (*) Tripmine Regenerator (Assymm, center) Bubble Shield (Symm, center) and grenades The only reason I am asking people to become testers is because I can never get at least 6 people in one game who have the Mythic maps, so please test and tell me what should be changed and I can mod, so if you think that something needs to be replaced, I will then only be able to switch it out by modding because of infinite money
Hey, I need/want Fallout 3 for pc I used to have it already through torrents, but the data files were corrupt so I could never add any mods and then it also made the GECK not able to find the CTL (or whatever the hell that is) so if any of you know of a site that is FREE and RELIABLE then please post it -thanks DarkRuler
Ok, put how many kills you got on your first game and if you can, include a link to the game. Here is My first game I got 21 kills and 8 deaths so post yours
I used awesome map called Sandbox Open which has the towers blocked so they can't shoot you and the skull is in between the two towers next to the sunset
np, and Longshore will probably be awesome, sounds like a mix of Headlong and Relic and it also has a bridge that moves with a button, I wonder what fun things might be available to mod in
Longshore, Citadel, and Heretic are coming with H3: ODST and so far there are no other ways to get them and that is probably coming out on September 25, 2009 since they said Fall '09