why? why should I wast my money even if it is just $5 for H3 videos that I don't even give a damn if you watch it or not I did try gamevee, but they are gone
This is what I remember Bungie saying (not an exact quote, but same idea) "M Screenshot = Ban (ban varies) NM Screenshot of a Mod = ok NM Porn Pic = Perma Ban M Porn Pic = Perma Ban" Hope that helped _______________________________________________ NM = Not Modded M = Modded
I would have thought that someone would have made one in all this time _______________________________________________ and I think I heard of that headhunter gametype after I read the descritpion
what is this headhunter game Bungie was working on? I never heard of it and grunt, that is all I did, I just went to avalanche, switched the game to CTF, then spawned a neutral flag by the ghost
I started going through each file on my hard drive, and so then if I thought one was something specific, then I would put it in HxD, and I also renamed all of my game files and a few others from random numbers and letters to what they were like Halo 3= 3DG4354 and I changed it to Halo 3, and I did that with the rest of the games, then I went to other content and moved those into HxD to see if they were CON or LIVE, so then because I had to go, I quickly unplugged the hard drive (after closing Xport) and then put it back in the 360, and now 6 hours later, I turned on my 360 and see that I have to recover my account, so I do, and then I go to H3 and everything is gone, I go to memory and there is nothing, now I plugged my HDD into my computer and it shows everything is there, so how do I fix this? Do I just resign and rehash EVERYTHING and put it back on? or is there an easier way also my other 2 accounts were there, just not this one ________________________________________________________________________________ For the person that helps me get it fixed, you get 1600 M$ points and I need names for these games- (they are in from highest priority to least) 1. the games file where these are in 2. Halo 3 3. Fallout 3 4. Oblivion 5. Fable 2 6. and the other Halo 3 File above the games file 7. Star Wars: TFU 8. Mercenaries 2 9. Kingdom for Kieflings 10. Portal: Still Alive 11. Call of Durty 4
probably, and now I know for a fact now that he lied since he put my old gamertag in the description for 7 elephants saying that I helped make it, which I never even modded a Sandtrap map yet
I probably will once I am done with my race track (damn wheel blades, lol) and maybe we didn't need it, but it would have been nice for Bungie to at least give the option I mean really, they make a (pink) neutral flag, but they don't make non-modders be able to get it? that isn't right
this is what I know for a fact, dev kit mod (not a dev mod) is his, Air Base (all) are also his, and I also think that Iz clutch is his too, and he also told me that he thought it would be funny if he just changed the author at the time I thought he was joking but... ______________________________________________________________________ Edit- all links work at his Modhalo post
it would only work once, like the Fable 2 limited content, I even tried using my friends account to download that through his download history, and then it never appeared after I downloaded, so I don't think it will be free maps for all, but it will be through a code like if you were buying microosft point cards
I try to save the new coordinates I just gave it and then I close, then I reopened the same file and it isn't changed, and when I hit "file" the only option I had was open and I did run as admin
so, how do I make them flat, I tried using Forge 2.5, but that doesn't even let me save All I need them is in a row and there are 18 small boxes that I will make into wheels, but the only reason I need them is for their blades to make into a floor for a tunnel so can anyone help on how to make them smooth by either Forge (the program) or other methods? http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/Area.jpg
so wait I get banned for posting a link (not an ad, all I did was post a link, I didn't advertise it) for a website for something free, but the other thousand people who post a website or want people to pay them don't? WOW, HOW THE F**K IS THAT FAIR?!!?!
no, it is just gone, like it was never there at the top of the screen is the logo, then it says that I am looged in, then the navigation and then everything else
when I changed to a different page, the shoutbox at the top of my screen disappeared, so I would like to know what happened? the last comment i put in the chatbox was this (without the lines)- _________________________________________ http://www.pandora.com/ _________________________________________ Pandora.com is a free music player, and I don't exactly know if I was banned from the chatbox, or if IBP is working on it, or just took it down temporarily