I tried helping someone like that too we finally got up to the part about resigners and rehashers my fav questions that I got from him- "What is a resigner?" "How do I use CONcept?" "How do I put files into my hard drive?"
no, I didn't do that, I only did something completely retarded, Im not a pro with computers, so I tried renaming some of my folders back then and then the game saves didn't work and it "showed" that there were no profiles Athrun Zala helped me fix it and the way I got it fixed was by deleting all the game files and going into H3 and then got the utility drive cleared then I just had to put the files back on it and then everything worked, but then there was a corrupted version of the account I recovered, and all my game saves and even game saves that are brand new like my BF: BC
I already deleted the main one which in turn deleted the corrupted one, and then recovered it and there was a new corrupted one I don't have another hard drive to try it on, my friend doesn't have XBL (and I told him to not put his hdd on XBL because he doesn't have the NXE) my other friend doesn't have a 360 other friends are in other state __________________________________________________________________ EDIT- and it does it with NEW game saves too, or even ones that I modify and put on my hard drive
1. When I had the problem with my hard drive a while back and after I got it fixed, I noticed that while I was in Memory, it had a corrupted version of my profile and the normal one, also all my files are doubled with one being corrupted and the other working (It also happens with brand new files), and don't say to delete the corrupted file because when I delete it nothing happens, it is still there. So I was wondering how to fix this? 2. I Can't sign into messenger. I have been able to in the past, but now I can't. I wasn't hacked because I can still sign in on my computer, but just not my 360. I have changed my password and still nothing. It just says that the password is invalid. So why is it doing this?
Yeah, and I am going to have crazy fun with those death spheres (maybe Bungie will make all the tags, maybe at least most, available to be spawned without modding