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Everything posted by DarkRuler
NVM I found a person on the MassEffect site and we just did the trade so now I have the Collector armor, Terminus armor, and all Dr. Pepper dlc ------------------------------ make sure to head over to my Mass Effect 2 DLC thread and pick up all Dr. Pepper promotional items for free
Added a lot more detail with pictures and added codes to get the Dr. Pepper dlc also I have already used the Terminus Armor code so this is a test and I want to see if those codes can be re-used so I can try and get the Collector Armor Code
on Lost Platoon you could also board the wraith and use that instead of choppers or warthogs, which makes it much easier you need a carbine and a plasma pistol shoot the wraith with the plasma pistol to make it stop then board the wraith, beat it until the metal plate covering the driver comes off crouch on top of the wraith, then shoot the driver with a plasma pistol burst then hold Right Bumper (whatever button you use to board vehicles) on a spot that doesn't do anything look at the driver, shoot him in the head with your carbine and it should let you get inside and control the wraith ---------------------------- I did it on Alpha site though because it makes the enemies go into narrow areas where you can pick them off, theres also a rocket launcher have 2 people watch one hallway and 2 other people watch the other one and bring the rocket launcher into the closed elevator so you always have it nearby and only use it on the hunters unless you are going to die by something else
sorry but I was extremely tired when I posted that and I thought you were talking about modding H3 achievements and ODST achievements to get recon but now that I am more awake I read it but I would help you get those achievements but currently my 360 has RROD, by next tuesday it should be fixed though but I don't feel like recovering any account, but I would help you get them
don't mod to get it since everyone who Ive heard that has tried that even with a timestamp just do it legit like you're supposed to I HATE when people have to mod for achievements, I wish those programs weren't made and it wasn't possible in hex either
they just added that effect in, but it is still the same game just with a new mode thats why it was the same way to mod it in both the games, same layout in the profile, same menus they just look slightly different same engine too even in some levels, if you look closely you can see that parts of them are from CoD4 levels with new skins
In Hard and Insane biotics like throw and pull do nothing to enemies with shields/barriers/armor which makes them pointless because the time you get somethings shields down they are easy to kill here are the bugs- -1st time you talk to Anderson his model is acting very strangely, his wrists and neck are flashing -On the assassin's loyalty mission right at the last time you have to update with him, if you open the door first before he says to update then the dialogue with the "stock boy" is activated and then when the assassin says to update with him then the stock boy disappears and you are stuck in the dialogue screen and you have to go to the dashboard and reload -sometimes when running you can end up on things and get stuck since some items have barriers around them -the cover system is buggy so when you are trying to run away from and enemy and try running around a pillar or corner you can end up on the wrong side -when having a sniper rifle out and using a power like incinerate then it puts you into a random direction looking through the scope so you don't know where you are looking and you take shots and could die (this happened to me) -sometimes when reloading, switching weapons, or using a power it takes you out of cover for no reason, same with when sliding into a different spot (not always, just sometimes) -weird extremely bad bug is when you are fighting and one of your teammates just stops moving, doesn't take damage, and doesn't shoot, just frozen there even after fighting. Only way to fix is to save and reload since that "resets" the placement of the teammates -game freezes sometimes after death or on loading screens -not a bug, but a lot of the animations for people and their clothing clip
it will probably be Modern Warfare 2 down to the core just reskinned just like how WaW was CoD4
MS doesn't fix 360s (or at least they didn't when I shipped them mine when the DVD drive broke) they just send out replacements so if you have any downloads that you might have gotten by your friends letting you use their account or by other means then you might not be able to use those downloads again
Im trying not to read the spoilers that you guys are posting since Im just on the last level and I won't be able to go back to it for a week at most, but I think the game should be an 8.0 the game is great, but it is buggy as hell, they removed being able to crouch, which could still be in there because 2 buttons do the exact same thing they removed a lot of the customizations and the different guns and biotics aren't that great anymore since you need to take down the enemy's shields/armor/barrier first to use it on anyone it definitely could've been better
my 360 just got the red ring too and it sucks because about a month ago I got it fixed for E74 and now Im waiting for a wireless headset battery in the mail which should arrive today but luckily the place that fixed it has a 90 day warranty
sorry, I forgot to mention that MS has a new way of making L-DLC unaccessible over xbox.com instead of their old way of making the item cost 999,999 MSP also I will post pics I found of each item since I also plan on updating this with every ME2 DLC
A lot of dlc is made after the games come out (except the Halo Wars DLC which was actually made, finished and leaked months before the release) but games like Fallout 3 where they made their dlc way after the game came out and now offer a disc with all dlc that costs the original game price ($60) but it is like if you spent hours, days, weeks working on something wouldn't you like compensation for your hard work? I know I would be a little pissed if I got $0 for something I made like that also its not the developers (Bethesda, Bungie, Rockstar) that come up with pricing but its the publishers (Microsoft) and the Mass Effect 2 dlc is free to people who get a code within an early copy of the game, so in a way it is free also if you want free dlc then find a phished account I do think that DLC should only be 500 points at most because if only 1000 people download it then that is about $6250 just right there
http://www.thesavepoints.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/mass-effect-2-logo.jpg Cerberus Network Some versions of Mass Effect 2 contain a redemption code to obtain Cerberus Network activation. Check your game's packaging before purchasing. Connect now and receive bonus downloadable content. Receive updates and news via direct feed in-game. Take on perilous new missions and assignments. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts. [Free within early copies of Mass Effect 2, 1200 MSP otherwise] http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/4/45/Cerberuslogo.png Blood Dragon Armor Created for Earth's Urban Combat Championship league, this set of armor has undergone more field testing than those of modern militaries. The chest and shoulder piece bears the logo of the Edmonton Blood Dragons, and the inside of the armor bears the signatures of the entire team. When and how the Illusive Man got his hands on the armor is unknown. Increases power damage by 15%. Increases shield strength by 10%. [Free with purchase of Dragon Age: Origins] http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/9/90/Blood_Dragon_Armor.jpg/120px-Blood_Dragon_Armor.jpg Collectors' Weapon and Armor The Collectors' weapon uses the same principles as a human assault rifle, but its organic components clearly set it apart. Its ammunition resembles pellets of metallic enamel that strip shields off enemies with deadly efficiency. The Collectors' armor is flexible and even tougher than ballistic fibers. Its organic construction allows it to be self-healing. Regeneration Bonus +10%. Storm Speed +10%. Health +20%. [Free with purchase of Mass Effect 2 Collector Edition] http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/2/20/Collector_Armor.png/250px-Collector_Armor.png Terminus Weapon and Armor The M-490 Blackstorm Singularity gun encases particles of matter within a high-powered mass-increasing field. This creates a gravitational singularity that draws enemies inward for a short time before exploding. Terminus armor is environmentally sealed with an independent air supply for use in space and extreme planetary conditions. Increases storm speed by 10%. Increase shields by 15%. Increases all weapon's reserve ammo by 10%. [Free as Gamestop Pre-Order of Mass Effect 2] http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/1/1e/Screenshot-027-o.jpg/230px-Screenshot-027-o.jpg Inferno Armor The Inferno armor has a VI dedicated to recognizing signs of stress and medical trauma. This application helps assess soldiers, but can be useful in any high-risk situations. The Inferno's microframe computer also manages biotic amp and omni-tool power, and microservos help the wearer's movements to counteract the armor's weight. Negotiation Bonus +10% Tech and Biotic Power Damage +10% Storm Speed +10% [Free as pre-order with any non-Gamestop store] http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/a/ad/Screenshot-026-o.jpg/264px-Screenshot-026-o.jpg M-29 Incisor Sniper Rifle The M-29 Incisor rifle is one of a new wave of military and police sniper rifles designed to overload active defenses such as shields. Firing three shots with each pull of the trigger, the Incisor's burst is so fast that all three rounds will be in the target by the time the barrel has moved a millimeter, increasing its stopping power without sacrificing accuracy. [Free with purchase of Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition] http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/6892/33863869.png Sentry Interface This visor works with the Sentry system, a software application that optimizes an armor suit's microframe computer. When the Sentry system is running, more power can be devoted to shield management. Increases shield strength by 5% [Free as Dr. Pepper Promo] http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/1/19/Sentry_interface.jpg/230px-Sentry_interface.jpg Umbra Visor A next-generation night-vision device that assists targeting. By detecting the focal point of the wearer's eyes and enhancing the image at that location, the visor helps direct a biotic power or a shot from an omni-tool exactly where the wearer is looking. Increases power damage by 5% [Free as Dr. Pepper Promo] http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/2/2b/Umbra_visor.jpg/230px-Umbra_visor.jpg Recon Hood A hood issued to covert action teams. Ballistic-mesh fabric and composite ceramic plating provide necessary armor, and the integral air filter helps in hostile environments. Weapon damage + 5% [Free as a Dr. Pepper Promo] http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/a/ae/Recon_hood.jpg/230px-Recon_hood.jpg Zaeed - The price of revenge Shepard's shadowy backers buy the loyalty of Zaeed Massani, the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter and mercenary soldier. But Zaeed comes with baggage of his own: a mission to settle a decades-old score with Blue Suns Commander Vido Santiago and his platoon of elite mercenaries. Are you willing to pay the price for Zaeed's revenge? New henchman, weapons research, and achievements. [Free on Cerberus Network] http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/8/8d/Zaeed_Character_Box.png/270px-Zaeed_Character_Box.png Normandy Crash Site Shepard discovers the location of the Normandy Crash Site, an emotionally charged and reflective moment for Shepard as he is on a mission of salvage and recovery. [Free On Cerberus Network] http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/d/dd/Normandy_monument.jpg/330px-Normandy_monument.jpg M57 Hammerhead This will be Mass Effect 2's replacement for the Mako. It will let you scout terrain on certain planets. [Free within a few weeks after ME2 release on Cerberus Network] http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/4/41/Hammerhead.jpg/477px-Hammerhead.jpg Cerberus Assault Armor and Eviscerator Shotgun Cerberus assault armor is designed for shock troops, who are expected to turn the tide of battle against creatures or forces that would decimate normal soldiers. The troops demanded three things in its design: shields, armor thick enough to last against a superior foe, and a rechargeable pack to extend a heavy weapon power cell. The only drawback of the armor is its weight, which the troops carry as a point of pride. They have a saying: "Out of shape going in, in shape coming out." The M-22a Eviscerator Shotgun is a longer-range shotgun with armor-piercing loads. This design also violates several intergalactic weapons treaties, so the M-22a is not distributed to militaries. [Free on Cerberus Network] http://na.llnet.bioware.cdn.ea.com/u/f/eagames/bioware/masseffect2/resources/assets/universe/armor/cerberus.jpg Kasumi Kasumi is a human thief mentioned in news reports on the Citadel and Illium. This squadmate is rumored to take the spot in the Port Observation which is an unaccessible door currently in the game. [unknown] http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/thumb/4/4c/Kasumi_Dossier.png/800px-Kasumi_Dossier.png I'll update this if I find out more information ----------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Pepper Promotion codes (only requires one) Requires: - EA Account linked to your Xbox Live Gamertag - Dr. Pepper Account (one per code) [Mass Effect 2] [Dr. Pepper] Every code will let you choose between the 3 prizes CBEEAAA41NWH CBEEAAAE4L9N CBEEAAAFQG9J CBEEAAAE98ZV LVEPYBD7MT9D PLEASE POST YOUR CODES (These could help in the creation of a keygen, but these have already been used. MassEffect.com) TERMINUS: H4W7-ZGAG-FSCU-T4M5 2YBM-EVJJ-4WK8-5DZR 34CX AKPB 6BEE YCJ3 4BWA-3X5J-K6XM-EGSA COLLECTOR: 26B8-A9QQ-Z5CY-QALR ========================================== You can get the other DLC for free by lying to EA You first call this number- [1] (650) 628-1001 then when you finally get to a person you say "The [iNSERT PROMO DLC NAME HERE] dlc code I got didn't work" The Agent should then "entitle" it to your account (this is how I got the Inferno Armor, Incisor Rifle, and Blood Dragon Armor) But if the Agent asks what the code is then give them one of the codes above You might need to have the game registered to your MassEffect/EA account, you will need the Cerberus network activated and you will need a MassEffect/EA account ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are on the PC version of the game then go to Slidell's ME2 DLC thread to download it all directly
WTF?! I just asked what it could do I didn't say it was crap or anything like that and out of what I said in my post and yours, I don't care about Forza 3, NFSS (I like the burnout series more, those ones are boring to me) or ODST campaign progress (why does someone need to mod their progress? are they just that bad to get that far in the game?), GTA4 save (I already have one, but never used it because I haven't needed to) and Ive heard MW2 is pretty simple since there's a couple thousand tuts, but Ive never had the opportunity to try since I haven't played it yet still it just doesn't sound that great especially for $50 its just a bunch of programs that have been made for free by either people merged into one AIO and then added a price of $50, sounds waaaay overpriced
if anyone can edit the video and remove the sword, add a pink dress and a funny background then this video will be pure awesome
Its weird how they say to check the media gallery, but it isn't much of one right here
so I finally managed to get it open, but what type of lipoly battery do I need to get and where do I get them the tut fails to mention that part, it just says to replace the battery, but with what?
what does this program do other than NfSS, CC or MW2, which is simple and free to do in hex, Im a person who likes pictures that actually show what something is capable of especially if I would have to pay $50 for it
but I always keep a backup of my save so when Im done, I just put it back and I have all my stuff again
sorry to tell you this but this is older than shit and the easiest money glitch is a mod, and then you can give your money to people randomly like I do
lol, oh well, it was worth a shot
http://www.lockerz.com Im going to be giving out lockerz.com invites the only way to sign up for lockerz.com is by an invite its a good site, 360 games are a 100 points, I currently have about 30, so it can be fairly easy to get points, they aren't fully launched until Fall '10, but they already have a good system so its better to join early before everything jumps up in price 100% free all it requires is an e-mail address and then I type it into the invite screen on their site and you will receive an e-mail from them. you can send me your e-mail either by posting it or messaging me
what type of screwdriver do I have to use to remove the screws, it definitely not a flathead or phillips its sort of in the shape of this- ^
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