Brink is a new game that is published by Bethesda (Fallout 3; Oblivion), but it is developed by Splash Damage (Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Doom 3 mutltiplayer content). The game is a FPS that takes place in 2045 on the Ark which is supposed to be humanity's main city, the peak of technology. It lost contact about 20 years ago and is now a slum. Before the max amount of people it was made for was 5000 and that limit has been pushed to 50000. A Civil War is going on. The original release date was May '10 and is now Fall '10 (I wonder if it was rescheduled to make it work with NATAL?) The S.M.A.R.T. (Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain) System makes the game similar to Mirror's Edge It also makes it similar to the game Shadowrun where you can drop in and out of the multiplayer campaign and be able to play on both sides. The new player then takes over an AI. The quitter then gets replaced by an AI too to keep the game fair. The game will be for 360, PS3 and probably PC as well If any new information comes out, since this looks like a great game, I will update it
what Im trying to prevent from being copied again is a mod list, even though I haven't done much to mine in a while it was still copied and a person on 7S has been given credit for what I made for a while now and I found out on MH that people still use them which is making me have to update mine and I guess Ill just see if I can put a Watermark in it, maybe in the link names
except the links need to work in it. It sucks how thats not possible I did see something that said that it can be possible to disable right-click and highlighting which is what Im looking into more but thanks for the answers
Can someone make me a BBcode that makes all text within the tags uncopyable but makes links within it still clickable Ive seen people use something similar before if anyone can make this then thnanks
put a teleporter on the elephant and then the teleporter will be up in the sky and the elephant is gone not sure why this works, and just one teleporter can do it Here's an example
I finally got my laptop back I edited the name in Forge 2.7 to Air Force One æ» and I uploaded it to Filefront also I tried to use the Click to Attach Files and it said that it can't accept that type of file, so that is why I used Filefront
About 2 months ago I got the E74 after having my 360 for about a year from because about a year ago I had to send my 360 back because it stopped reading discs So, after already sending my 360 to MS I then got my console back on November 9th and it was Returned and not Repaired I call them up and ask them why not and they say the service center has concluded that it has been tampered with There's only one problem with that. I have never done anything to it in my life. When I got my console back it also had damaged marks on the back like a person tried opening up the back also the sticker is still on but with circles on half of it like it was take off and put back on but the red arrows on my console only pointed to the back, not the sticker so I have tried to dispute and now on November 20th they say I can't dispute it any further because the Service Center sent a picture to the Customer Service people so now I need to find a console repair shop that I can take my 360 to I don't trust websites and if anyone knows of an actual store in central Florida then it would be greatly appreciated so, +rep to anyone that can help _______________________________ I just realized that I put this in Xbox/360 discussion, I thought I was in Help Desk. Can a mod please move this?
lol, I took that symbol from another mod that I knew of (copied and pasted the symbol) then I felt like figuring out what it meant and then saw that it was Japanese for Ben when I get my laptop back Ill rename it and then put back on my friends file share (he doesn't care about his file share)
don't choose, get them all download the games ISO and then burn it to a disc since I don't have my 360 atm Ive been using the Wii and I have System Menu 4.2 Ive burned about 5 games so far, all work paid $20 for 15 TDK DVD-R DL burn at slowest possible speed use NeoGamma r8 (or r7) or you can use USB Loader GX
This mod is playable with every gametype and is 100% not random there is a few stuff that is host only, but not everything it plays better on Local (or system link) because everyone can see everything Elite and his Gauss Turret (building in middle is blocked only by main entrances, the 2, by invis boxes. Warthog spawns in misty area) Air Force One's Building M, spartan an Gauss Turret (behind camera, look for speakers to jump on to get up on railing, AirCraft Carrier isn't solid, mostly for show and defense if playing on local/system link) Walk on water and be JESUS (whole under dock area has invis walls, watch for the weap holders, shield door, and cones, those are the drop off areas the sword next to the dinghy is a depleted sword) The Broiler (behind me on the wall to the broiler is my mod tag, look for it) the warthog in the mist Download Air Force One Description= Hello <controller0_gamertag>, (1st player gamertag) this is a playable mod on Longshore. Most items are only going 2 be there for 1 round.<time_hms/>(the time) ______________________________________________ Filefront Download Air Force One æ»
then why was he helping his friend offline? you could just add in the Achievment_Unlock_All (or its Achievment_UnlockAll; or AhievmentUnlockAll; its been a while so I forgot the exact layout of the line) command, you don't need to add in a mob to make it easier to get an achivement
ok, here I'll upload it since he went and copied a whole tutorial only to not give the program it was about, Im not really sure why a tutorial is needed to use an app
lol, wow is that a record? I thought (for a sec) that this was new so after reading the comments I was like "WTF? are they being serious?" but yeah, why was this bumped?