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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. thanks Peaches, this works and even with 4.0 any chance of more games added into the list in the future?
  2. your multiplayer character is your campaign character
  3. its all of them, except for the AIO links
  4. wow, way to post something I already posted see here? lol
  5. He already got his account back and it is being dealt with source http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2010/03/500x_hack2.jpg http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2010/03/500x_hack1.jpg Click for video He said he's from http://lightzz.com and this is one of the MS employee'sTwitter I wonder now that a well-known MS exec's XBL account has been hacked of what will MS do to prevent it from happening again...
  6. you really should stop with these, you have probably posted in the forums and shoutbox at least 50 times about it you even -rep'd someone just because they said they don't want to ship their 360 to you its been enough
  7. Ive heard from people using tethered smart phones, and they enable air plane mode and then disable it and then get them but I don't have a smart phone so I can't test it (I have a shitty old Razor 1)
  8. does that mean you know when your getting it now?
  9. mine was probably a music video but its been too long for me to remember
  10. Its part of ObjectDock they are tabs
  11. http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/1426/50498244.png my new desktop down to just having 1 icon on my screen
  12. Free 2 Day codes https://xbox.promo.eprize.com/tokenbase/?affiliate_id=stimuluspack code- MAPATHY (don't worry about caps, it will do it automatically) _____________________________ and these are the 3 codes you can use with the Netflix prizes- 5M9G1A, W2N4F9 and 5M9G1B
  13. or message him and ask him for the credentials for that account and see if you can get it changed so you can change your main account
  14. it says he was last online back in January, but in 2010 you could send him a message to see if he can change the gamertag
  15. you can only have (unmodified) a max of 40gigs of memory that isn't the HDD 2x 4gig Memory Cards from Datel 2x 16gig USB from pretty much everywhere and it is only 2 USBs, they even have a storage limit
  16. lol, thats exactly how I wanted the veto system for the rest, it sounds really good, and Reach should be a great game (now I just need an unbanned console to play it) also, I looked at one of those pics and it seems like another map is named "Sword Base" could be a nickname, but still it did say Slayer on Sword Base so we already know for the beta that Powerhouse and Sword Base will be in it, but we just don't know what the big vehicle map is yet because it will probably be similar to the H3b High Ground - Powerhouse Snowbound - Sword Base Valhalla - ???
  17. http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/3228/wtfavi.png On this page then hit reply and thats how it happens
  18. to be a general you need 960,000 points now not 3 mil
  19. sent
  20. WTF? When I was trying to get more, I used Hide My IP, Tor, some firefox proxies even websites like proxify while also clearing my cookies The only thing I heard that worked was having to connect to a different network also it got depleted last night (but I still got my 1, lol)
  21. by may I hope I can get an unbanned 360 to play that beta also I wish I could get all that other dlc too
  22. remember GTA4? TBOGT = 1600 MSP TLAD = 1600 MSP
  23. DarkRuler


    did you read my post? lol Part of the wiki page that I linked to said this- he is one of the devs [See here]
  24. DarkRuler


    also Doom 4 coming out around the same time also for anyone who doesn't know what Rage is, click here and heres Doom 4 Rage Trailer PS3 Quality might be better Tons of screenshots- http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/10444/10444_4893288063ce2.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/10444/10444_48932877556be.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb3328723.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb3588328.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb30ebb70.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb31ac456.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb326cca9.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb3401670.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb34bfd92.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb3659844.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb37324b5.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb37e504f.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb38b2410.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb3979a0f.jpg http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?/images/sshots/Screenshot/8087/8087_46bcbb3a31601.jpg For some reason when I tried using [/img] for these it said that I am not allowed to use the image extension on this board, which doesn't make any sense but here are the links for each one
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