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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. actually when H3 came out there were many other games with better graphics
  2. my only problems with the game is that the -melee system is ****** up because you can miss the person and still land a hit - And? It's good and fun. its a bug to hit the air and still hit the other person -BXB is back (which should be removed) - No. Keep it. Its cheap, and it is a bug, thats why it was removed in H3 -you should be able to cancel armor abilities on a person by charging a plasma pistol and shooting them - Retarded, Defeats the point. it would be like stopping vehicle -jumping and running (without sprint) need to be increased slightly - No. Retarded, they toned it down for a reason. Stop. I don't mean as much as H3, just a slight increase, not by much
  3. my only problems with the game is that the -melee system is ****** up because you can miss the person and still land a hit -focus rifle needs to be toned down -BXB is back (which should be removed) -you should be able to cancel armor abilities on a person by charging a plasma pistol and shooting them -headshots don't always count and you have to hit the top of the head -jumping and running (without sprint) need to be increased slightly
  4. Frags are overpowered, Focus Rifle is overpowered, Melee system is ****** up and theres now an Armor Virus with the increase of people it was nice with the 1000-5000 people before now its 160,000 servers are acting like shit now
  5. This is the best, all followers on top of Tenpenny tower 100 plasma mines, put them around the outside of the top along the railings do same thing with pulse mines then shoot once in the air with MIRV then shoot floor with MIRV then go BOOOM!
  6. Reach will be awesome, the beta's already great, hopefully that might help though
  7. so Treyarch is making another shitty cod game and I heard that they were going to make their next cod game based off of the Vietnam War I thought they would've learned when they realized that the only thing they had was Nazi Zombies
  8. possible? NO unless you have a jtag if you have a retail then its a no it won't be a CON file, I don't know why there was even that discussion in the shoutbox earlier marketplace content= LIVE files so I don't see what the point of uploading it is and with it going to come out soon
  9. Win7 Ultimate 32
  10. lol, that was 2 months ago I already fixed it, I bought a replacement battery off of ebay for $8 (free shipping) and replaced it but also the way it says to open it actually damaged the headset so it doesn't close all the way "Look at the back of your Mic where you plug the Charging Cable in, jam a screw driver (Flat Knife its even better) in between the gap and force it open." that ended up cracking the plastic around the part the charging cable covered and I had to open it a different way and something else happened (Im not sure what) but its not as clear as these mics are supposed to be and people are higher pitched and sound more electronic through, but after several hours they sound normal like it just needed to warm up and within this past month I now need to stand up the mic by leaning it against something to be able to charge it
  11. it looks like Reach will be having downloads that would fit with POMA Collector Edition - $150 - An exclusive multiplayer Spartan armor effect Limited Edition - $80 - An exclusive in-game Elite armor set for use in multiplayer modes I'll get the elite armor for everyone, but who wants to get the spartan effect?
  12. you need at least 20 rep on this site to be able to use it
  13. If you want to sell it you could probably get at least $15-$25 per game and maybe $350 for the console ($400 if in good condition) so about $800 at least for it all
  14. there was a thread but it was moved to VIP
  15. theres only 3 dlc for Borderlands Zombie Island Underdome Knoxx's Armory but there will be a 4th and Knoxx wasn't on the DLC disc they released
  16. As some of you know Gearbox released a disc with the Zombie Island DLC and Underdome DLC and they are PIRS not LIVE so they will work with everyone's 360, just drop them in the specified folder that is says in the ReadMe hope you enjoy and if you downloaded these, then be sure to +rep Zombie Island Underdome Edit- Replaced Filefront Underdome link with megaupload link
  17. Me and my friend temporarily switched 360s, so Im back on LIVE
  18. Me and my friend temporarily switched 360s, so Im back on LIVE
  19. Me and my friend temporarily switched 360s, so Im back on LIVE
  20. Me and my friend temporarily switched 360s, so Im back on LIVE
  21. Me and my friend temporarily switched 360s, so Im back on LIVE
  22. Me and my friend temporarily switched 360s, so Im back on LIVE
  23. Me and my friend temporarily switched 360s, so Im back on LIVE
  24. it was aweseomely funny I just think it went on too long
  25. lol, there were some giveaways the ERROR image you had linked to the site and why was the copyright 1908? lol
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