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Everything posted by 0xidium

  1. I'm pretty sure that my account was just deleted for some reason it would keep saying I put invalid info but I made my account long before that stupid invite thing started.
  2. Are you high?
  3. Damn! You're on a roll rofl.
  4. Neat, thanks for sharing. - Chuck Norris' first job was as a paperboy. There were no survivors.
  5. Thanks but how do I teleport survivors?
  6. I guess but I thought it'd all have to be the same amount of characters... I'm just interested in knowing how to spawn people and AI huge, you wouldn't know how would you?
  7. We talkin' about WaW? Because I thought I tested that and it didn't work.
  8. We talkin' about WaW? Because I thought I tested that and it didn't work.
  9. 0xidium

    Fallout Stuff

    Sorry, that was uncalled for.
  10. 0xidium

    Fallout Stuff

  11. Yeah huh. =|
  12. This is kinda confusing... It'd be nice to know what works on the 360 and what doesn't and how does one go about editing this in a Hex Editor? Paste after a button or search the string? This is all very confusing... Or perhaps I'm just stupid... Or maybe both.
  13. 0xidium

    GTA IV Modding?

    Yeah I think the beta at the moment is only for the pc but they did make a vid of it on the 360 so I dunno.
  14. 0xidium

    Manually Mod GoW2

    YAY ZOMG IT R TIEM FOR MEH 1337 PR0NZ NAO!@#$%^&*(Nuff said l0l)
  15. 0xidium

    GTA IV Modding?

    Go to www.openiv.com Some guys are making a program for GTA IV modding on the PC and 360.
  16. You're killing me with your sick obsession with modding L4D and you always make your Left 4 Dead modding posts before me! >=[
  17. Aside from that this is in no way, shape, or form modding.
  18. Everyone should be able to figure this out for themselves...
  19. W00T indeed.
  20. The map the guy got teleported to i called Hurricane Katrina and lol Beard Spree.
  21. Weren't you the one that was all up shotspartins ass like "omgz yoo goyz our jurks dun flamz mee ore snotsparfib becuz i ten yars olf an il kik yer azzes an i beleef thiz reshiner is reil cux iv a nooboob"? Because last I checked you were gettin' on all fours and gettin' ready to suck some ShotSausage lol. Or was that another person?
  22. This is a very nice AIO not like all the others that make me want to kill puppies.
  23. I voted for Dark Slipstream and .Eli because they own and are helpzfulz.
  24. And you can use this to do all that colorful description crap right?
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