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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. when u see it dont click on it or else it will DL stuff t ur PC thats wat messes it up, its just a animation, atleast all the ones i always see r
  2. wat do u meen
  3. lol iv seen many of thoes they r like popups
  4. lols that sucks
  5. lols u wanna see a monster pic she did at school http://photos-g.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-snc1/v1955/8/14/799770252/n799770252_5440798_4062.jpg
  6. lol yup
  7. no its not really a hobo lol she is in my classes and stuff and the way she is sitting on the floor looks hoboish
  8. Athrun double dogged dared me and he said if he didn't he was gonna creep me and rape me in bed.... so i did well at first it looks like she is a guy.... but its no guy http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2379/218/53/546790256/n546790256_5853449_3203.jpg its the most emo chick i know
  9. LOL i gots all of them fairly 1 match i got the bull true 5 kill thing and extermination against bungies it was funny
  10. Dataanti


    U can DL now it doesnt matter if you do before or after
  11. Dataanti


    http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pPZ9HsAl5VMwwRQQJOg4A8aGud1oMww7JqykrdAPLate3gftO7CFI3gbZ4EqTlDVBN4e1d5hh_xpQgAo6lhR1yQ/68241603-Full.jpg This is the map and its MADE FOR SLAYER!!!! <---- only info it has 2 suns!!! DL here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=68239650
  12. well if u would click the link there is a pic a description and DL
  13. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=68135828 http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pX14o0mSJ3hOCiI4QjOWxt9RCjf0hcUF2HaAiFwdKs5kqG4zLgpqaUjqk9bPRXqjOAEKdsVfDCKJ7C4CrEf-uqA/68135265-Full.jpg
  14. lol good luck alot of people have stopped that cause accounts r getting jacked
  15. http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2430/105/25/1238114653/n1238114653_30226811_8233472.jpg a picture of it
  16. halo 2/1 ???? this is halo 3 mythic map not old maps??
  17. This link explains all
  18. the golf club is a gravity hammer and the golf balls are pulled towards the hole making it easier to play normal golf
  19. I AM TIGER WOODS please rate, comment, and recommend MY screenie of tiger WoOdS
  20. um idk wat u r all talken about but i see it?? its a video of the way the world ends and there is a comet or watever is gonna hit the planet and there is stupid retard techno music playing
  21. lols it let me DL for free from the site but when i got on my 360 it just sat there in the active DL area not DLing it made me sad EDIT: i tried to DL agian and it has an error
  22. Dataanti


    thats y you use a program and bring it to school, search ultra surf at home then bring it to school some how
  23. Dataanti


    PEOPLE search ultra surf its a proxy program that can work with IE and fire fox if u get the fire fox addon and the schools cant block it, no install and only 1 file its really good
  24. yah but we have the same type of force its not any farther down in the technology that US so we dont have to be like US is wat im trying to prove, it has nothing to do with size
  25. i just lived there 1 1/2 years agheo it was cool cause they had air shows and rides in jets and helicopters and stuff
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