idk y they dont but heres a quote from a beta tester/modder and also you can't buy it and there is no code like the AAAAA-11111-BBBBB-22222- CCCCC type of thing to install it and ty
This game was made in the year 1998, its very easy to mod and make maps and new ships, watever u want and its free cause pandemic doesnt care about it any more. This game has really good graphics if you max out the settings wich shouldnt be hard with todays computers. Also this game is NOT ILLEGAL TO MOD ONLINE!!!! OR ANYTHING, INFACT THEY ENCOURAGE IT!!! If u have a good PC then it should run no problem and the community is still VERY active at making patches and mods. check out the main site here and the mod dev site here and to DL it if you like it then DL from these links: NOT ILLEGAL ANY MORE part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 Then for the newest and l8est and gr8est patch so far DL here: 1.3pb6 If any of these links don't work then tell me wat 1 and ill fix it System Requirements: - Pentium 200MHz Pentium processor - 100% DirectX 6.0 or higher compliant 3-D video accelerator card with 4MB of RAM - 32MB RAM (64MB RAM will be required for certain video cards on lower end systems) - Windows 95/98 operating system - DirectX 6.0 or higher (download from Microsoft's web site at "") - 100% Windows 95/98-compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for video card, sound card, and input devices) - 100% DirectX 6.0 or higher compatible sound card - 100% Microsoft-compatible mouse and driver NOTE: It does run in Linux and maybe mac if you run it with W.I.N.E (W.I.N.E Wiki) but there could be some preformence problems. INSTALL: 1. DL all parts to its own folder 2. Extract to its own folder 3. Inside folder, go to \Setup\Setup.exe 4. Run game install (recomended to install to default) 5. DL the 1.3pb4a patch 6. Run patch install (recomended to install to default if the game install was installed to default) 7. Run game and play To host you will have to open ports, you can ask at the BZUniverse forum for instructions HAVE FUN!
well u don't need a internet for people to see it, it can be job, house, school net work and its only the tools to make it also iv been here for about a year its just that i never posted much and i kinda forgot about it and stuff
yes u do there is: member- this is wat u r in the start or if ur rank is to low officer- u can be this if you r a high enough rank on this forum owner- no1 but me can be this cause the group settings dont let any1 else be 1 any1 above global moderator is officer, any1 under is member
I gots the bump top EDIT: weird its gone? but i fix
if you have steam and want to join this group then just post your Steam ID page here EDIT: plz include as a link like this:"username" If you do not want to share your Steam ID page to the public for what ever reason then you can just PM it to me
because its really easy cause i can do the dll i allready got the source code and un compiled the info all i need is a url to the update if someone can post it on file front or something
some one who allready has it copies it of there 360 and then puts it on somewere like filefront then gives the DL url then we re-do the dll to make r 360's look for the update on filefront or were ever its at then ur 360 should find it there and upload it into ur 360 just like it would with the XBlive server
since microsoft has allready found it and removed the file from the live servers, is it possible to use a xplor or something to get the file that ms took off and then put it on the the computer for some1 who allready has it