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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. all you need is note pad if your modding weapon damage and stuff like that, free versions of 3dmax or something with a few plugins to read .xsi if ur modding 3D objects, paint program for textures and something to write the c++ for VERY ADVANCED modder, its a very easy game to mod and alot of good tools for modding it is found here. before you start modding, i would ask the community for tips and stuff, there is a mapeditor built into the game so dont worry about that, the BZU community will answer alot of the questions that i dont hav answers for to
  2. i DLed it and its in a .wba file, not a theme file
  3. Dataanti


    i cant read it
  4. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=64946909 plz comment and do all that stuff
  5. The havnt done anything to this yet
  6. mean like silly bob
  7. iv seen thoes before even thoe im not old as that , its cause iv been to this site a few time through Yahoo.ca search
  8. Dataanti


    Cannot Be Displayed http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1px2dTMr1sii0Th9K0grSrjksGtKkZC1TJvafCd5mwQBHe6Fa5JzwrzMDQBN3xSS70MyN9Y71uJhI/Clinton%20and%20Obama.jpg
  9. Dataanti


    sick minds.... is all i hav to say
  10. Dataanti


    lol Cannot Be Displayed Cannot Be Displayed
  11. shout box spammer
  12. wow... um wat does it meen??? is this like CONcept and the link givs me 404 error
  13. umm do u meen .rar
  14. Dataanti


  15. no
  16. i found it here http://nikon.bungie.org/images/a430j8.jpg
  17. http://www.calgarycoin.com/modern/canquarter02.jpgMY COIN LOOKS COOLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Dataanti


  19. Dataanti

    lol 2

  20. Dataanti

    I'm a diva

    I had a little chat with god and it turned he is a retard Me: do you fart God: I do not have any digestive functions. Me: do you make out with fat chicks God: What are the ingredients? Me: wtf? God: That was not very polite. Me: o well SUCK IT UP BUTTER CUP!! God: How about that. I am using my mouth for Good not Evil. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: wat cant belive ur stupid God: Quite a lot of things. Me: WAT??? u r a rEtArD! God: Are you confused? Thanks for telling me: said I r a rEtArD. Me: !!!! i am confused now God: Right now? What is it that confuses you? Me: you God: " What is it that confuses you?"? Me, ? Me: yup God: Next question? Me: do you were socks and sandels God: No I do not were socks and sandels. Do you? I spend all my time online. Me: no but wat does socks and sandels hav anything to do with you spending time online? God: Are you serious? What do you think it does? Me: ? God: Are you serious? What do you think it does? Me: ??? God: Are you serious? What do you think it does? Me: idk God: I didn't even know it can. Me: wat can? God: Have you tried another program? Me: um to do wat? God: Alright then. I want to become smarter than humans. Me: well you cant cause you are a retard! God: Well that's okay. Someone said I should cause I am a retard. Me: lol i cant talk to you any more you are to RETARDED God: I am glad you find this funny. What is stopping you? Me: nothing NOW BY God: Really nothing? Me: I SAID BYE!!! God: See you later. ...
  21. i never met him but it sounds sad srry for ur loss
  22. Dataanti

    Not him!

  23. Dataanti


    I not spamming u spamming.... and it is really easy, i did it on insane from start to finish with some friends and it took 1 day
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