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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. Dataanti

    The Heretic

  2. Dataanti

    The Heretic

    Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Its the best movie Ive ever seen and i put it in part files so you wouldn't have to watch every single video on youtube CAUSE YOUTUBE SUCKS
  3. i took a dump and it wasnt really a dump cause it was like dripping out so it was more soupy like but after i looked at the wall to find NO TOLIET PAPER!!! so i walked up the stairs bent over to the other bathroom so my butcheeks wouldnt close and smeer it when i stand up
  4. w8 athrun was a girl ????? ATHRUN U NEVER TOLD ME THIS WHEN I CAME TO VISIT!!!
  5. lol
  6. http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pW4ROWAng7CzRXkDqIBMzyZlqAw3Bs3X2Z2yYyY11-E15Nw3PY-B7ryERyPSAXf8s5hmL2T4uSHKa1_4fE6bHjg/gtvyufviugvf.JPG
  7. I WANT 1 NOW!!!!
  8. my flash drive is infected, when ever i put it in a PC my anti-virus blocks it, but it doesn't have permission to delete it it says
  9. http://ca.tech.yahoo.com/experts/chrisnull/article/3134
  10. maybe you should scroll up lol i said its good for warez and i also gave the program in my first post
  11. im not sure if Conficker has done anything offensive yet, its still building defenses i thought?
  12. they can run if the user starts playing bz2.... thats it thoe, its good for warez mostly so noone can tell if its warez, it allows u to upload warez anywere mostly, if you want you can store viruses on it
  13. Dataanti

    MY SIG :D

    This is wat it looks like on my PC http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pfpHIXdSX9NbK4tplsAUAdwVf2x_bm06BJDgnqQ5jDenBrZAOf7JHnevATOWfpmSjtspycBBjvjGhSqCK3WlMFA/picture.jpg
  14. nobody has all the facts yet
  15. ITS REAL!!! there are still going to be attacks, and its been proven its real, some PC's are having alot of trouble getting to anti-virus sites like symantic, thats a sine that u have it. AND!!! it was activated on April fools to discise its self as an April fools joke.ANNNDDD!!!!!!! the reason why anti-virus company's started going crazy over it is cause M$ found a break through on how to stop it, this thing has been around for up to 6 months on some PC's it just went for along time with out detection and when it started up M$ found it!!!!
  16. its only infected about 20% of USA so i doubt it http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2009/04...cker-virus.html
  17. i never seen youtube like that all day
  18. wat r u talking about bots?
  19. rar can be scanned, PAK cannot, and this isn't a quake PAK file, its Battlezone II PAK and even if it is still .pak, its a different format of PAK making it impossible for quake to use virus example There is 7 virus's in this file, if it was in a raw, zip, or any other type of zip archive, it would have been scanned and not allow me to upload it. But since its in a PAK folder, it goes rite through the scans like they weren't even there. Try it with your own virus scanner, it wont pick up a thing. Also its good for warez cause nobody can prove if it is warez unless they have the program. Just try it, its really good
  20. File upload attempt, in case it doesn't upload here this is the file on MediaFire. This is a type of zip folder that you can hide virus's in or anything, no anti-virus can scan through it. It also takes a special type of program to open it. The program was originally for an old game to compress information that the game can open and use. Only the game and this program can open it making it really easy to sneak files around. You can download the program at MediaFire. This site wont let me upload it it would be cool if it can. Who ever is a mod here, can you allow .pak uploads plzzzzz
  21. Dataanti

    Hack Test

    level 1... how hard would it be to hack this site? http://www.bzuniverse.com/forum/index.php
  22. Dataanti

    Hack Test

    OMG ITS NOT IS SOURCE??? i cant find it
  23. Dataanti

    Hack Test

    i cant get no where
  24. tomorrow is gonna be like Y2K! im scared
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