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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. !!! HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE MEGA KEG COMMERCIAL !!! http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=AmVbzwDEmWA that thing is over now BUT STILL and y haven't i seen any of those commercials. isn't star choice TV Canadian
  2. http://www.halowars.com/images/screenshots...fantry_1920.jpg thats the picture but the 3D desktop is from bumptop.com u hav to sighn up there
  3. the longest word is "A" or "I" is cool... DUH....
  4. picture fixxed
  5. Dataanti

    Who Copied Who?

    but mygamercard copied xbox and its dashboard or mygamercard is made by xbox, either way steam would be copying the dash board of the xbox an the GT at the same time or the other way around
  6. Dataanti


    i tied but i pressed enter and it post instead of going down and every1 start posting really fast before i could fix it
  7. Dataanti


    its a short cut to the shutdown.exe and i changed the icon to make it look like a video he he he i gave it to athrun a month ago and he thought it was a video to
  8. Dataanti


    u fail, DL the vid and watch it ull see y but dont watch it or u fail giv it to a friend EpIc__FaIl.zip
  9. it is the same layout but different color background rules things in it but ranks r pretty much the same
  10. Dataanti

    Who Copied Who?

    i meen the sig and i know that it was made by mygamercard.net but the dashboard wasnt and they look the same
  11. Dataanti

    new website

    !THIS IS NOT AN ADD, NOT A POST TO STEAL MEMBERS FROM IBOTMODZ AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MODDING! http://programmersunited.info/index.php this site is for programming and stuff so i demand u check it out NOW!
  12. Dataanti

    Who Copied Who?

    lol unless PS3 copies steam not xbox and then they all have NXE
  13. Dataanti

    Who Copied Who?

    Steam is a cool game thing that has lots of cheap games and when u buy them you start the DL and play saving you the need to go to the store and get it or w8 for it to be mailed to u
  14. Dataanti

    Who Copied Who?

    http://steamcard.com/do/nxe/Dataanti.pnghttp://card.mygamercard.net/nxe/dataanti.png Don't they look some what similar??? I think Xbox copied steam cause this came out with the new dashboard, but Steam was out much much longer.
  15. Dataanti


    ??? i don't get it ???
  16. but when you pos it you can, theres a difference
  17. is this the forum that we peply on and how do i get rep?
  18. i bet its some1 that has nothing to do with this forum cause I SAID SO but to bad if they r in this forum and some1 has talked to him then track his IP and then match it to the Ibotmodz thing and then u know, and wat is AIM
  19. java flash they r both game things so it the same to me i know that java is alot more better but they r both games on a website
  20. I zipped it right from the CD, its fine but the patch might have something traveling with it like any other file but the patch its self its fine
  21. lol it will but it does have high res and the graphics are graphics are getting better and better every patch and more and more things are getting fixed and new features, settings, maps, game types are being added to
  22. OMG ITS RUNE SCAPE !!!!! SUCH A ACTION PACK GAME !!!!! ....not.... i have a lvl 65 and some gave me full light blue armor and the tree cutting axe and the battle axe but its a good game for a online flash game
  23. im think it is the game going into the xbox sound library and picking the guide button sound when u press the guide
  24. np, its a rare type of game to its a RTSTFPS (Real Time Strategy 1st Person Shooter) u don't see much of them around and it has 5 different complete opisite game types like racing, death match, capture the flag, strategy and MPI (Humans vs computer online in a strategy match). o and the single player missions are all broken cause know1 knows y it was like that when it came out so you can go into missions but some points wont continue but the instant action an multiplayer work fine. also try to spread this game around the BZcomunity is getting smaller and theres not allot of players any more and we are trying to get this game more out in the public more agian cause now its pretty much a private game bewtween 100-200 players. Also try not to start any flaming wars cause they dont end well and especially not agianst the 1.2 players VS the 1.3 players, lots of heat there. u can find out more about the flaming wars at the BZUniverse sites. and MAKE A BACK UP before u try modding with out knowing wat u r doing or else you might get bad assets with people online and u hav to re install to fix them
  25. me along time ago with a friend to my http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p5eP26_OsHzFG0jQ92YuViTfyXf0s6oszzCUFr3yNiGjfuag28KYuYaP0uV6tHDD1Kn1Jj8w3ng4/100_0876.JPG me now http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pFIQAwuZjwYuXaLXwmqLYbhZCQbZjo_bo8-XB-YlZTMgnO1LM0aPDYXat3Du1SL2fCs7Z45HaUj8LgfTx27s1-A/100_1145.JPG GF gone
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