if you just turn off ur PC for the day and w8 till the next you will be fine, then the conficker wont get the set of instructions needed to do whatever its gonna do
I recommend keeping your computers off n April 1st to protect your computer from the Conficker. Its a 2 stage worm, stage A spreads it around, this stage has already succeeded in infecting millions of computers. Stage B is activates it on April 1st. The second stage gets you computer ready to receive a set of instructions on April 1st. No one knows what happens after that, but if I were you I would try to avoid getting those instructions, if your PC is off or not connected to the internet that day then you should be 100% safe. Also UPDATE your virus protection/fire wall and get all windows updates as soon as you see them.
MY BEAST:::: http://www.e-techcomputers.com/acer-aspire...werhouse-laptop its super fast and even computers that have better specks arnt as good cause of the software that i loaded on mine helps keep it healthy and running much more efficient
I JUST FOUND IT ON MY OLD PC my old halowars mod that i made in the year 200f ENSEMBLE WATEVER IT IS COPIED ME i gots proof Old video i did as part of a game play trailer for it: Cannot Be Displayed tank reconstruction test: Cannot Be Displayed