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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. its good. but what did you do besides blure the background, darkening it a little and borded and text? its good. but what did you do besides blure the background, darkening it a little and borded and text?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfYyBp4Ln2s
  3. no you said youlike penis but only your own.
  4. this is awesome
  5. thanx lost
  6. really? usually you guys tear me apart
  7. ok well comment away
  8. thank you pargy
  9. would you rather have me post your secret
  10. to edit videos!
  11. thnx and thnx
  12. @lostmodz26: LOL. Your Acer sucks. @Quinn: The bigger the better!
  13. 7/10 its very purtey!
  14. your welcome. i knew you loved anime or w/e.
  15. I know they suck and so do I, but I was bored and wanted to make a gift for Lockon Stratos. So here you go. v1 v2 v3 v4
  16. Yeah it should be 500 posts.
  17. this is pretty good. 5/5. but what happened with that video? how did you have 4 minutes of blank?
  18. how am i crazy
  19. it says: HES MAH REGACI! NOT FATALS!


    |-|35 /\/\ /-\ |-| R3G/-\C1! /\/()7 |=/-\7/-\|_5!
  21. its all spam
  22. i got it too Damn you FE!
  23. i still need 495 posts after this 1
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