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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. lol pwn. but what will ahppen to madedwarfare and its members?
  2. holy shit pargy
  4. welcome thats cool.
  5. i suck at text
  6. just in case you dont know what im refering to: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/15531-halo-3-security/
  7. omg thats sexy. but you can get it for 30 USD att llama!
  8. its to show the AC130. Thats why it's in the title of the video.
  9. didnt you leave ibm already, rouge?
  10. v1 full border. v2 top borders only.
  11. You get the AC130!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBJcOy6iuUc
  12. grey is my fav but i tried this skin out only a couple bugs. 1. Pages take a while to load. 2. Cant read attachments. 3. Top of the page messed up while loading. P.S. Im usin IE.
  13. here. i know it sucks but o well. i just made for slidell. v1 v2 v3
  14. even though you always do curtis, its nice to know that you acknowledge that i worked on it and you commented instead of just lookin.
  15. i used to play bells for a half of school year in 4th grade (teacher was dick) in general music two years ago we lerned some guitar and in 3rd grade every1 had to play recorder. and now i hear peaches only plays the pants flute.
  16. idk who to root for!
  17. test
  18. how long did it take. im hopin 5-10 minutes.
  19. y
  20. WTF?
  21. ÿPorqué mi amigo Slidell? Translation: Why my friend Slidell?
  22. its supposed to be
  23. well go ahead and tear me apart again. (hes stepping into an abyss/portal)
  24. im dissappointed in you. ive been waitin for a week.
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