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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. My text does suck. /slices wrist... ... ... ... /bleeds out
  2. why would i press the = rep when microsoft?
  3. what ego and who
  4. i can take critsizm (spelling?) just sometimes i choose not to.
  5. Ive been here: 1 year 2 months 2 days! BTW: 600TH POST!!!!!!
  6. download the trial and then get the program Run Date As
  7. The game would be way more fun with mods.
  9. really old but really funny. my fav is the fake proposal.
  10. well i changed it now.
  11. this is awesome. but i could always use my cap card.
  12. woah 2 things? holy shit! awesome!
  13. looks like one effect and nothin else. o well. at least its a start.
  14. yeah. im freestyle mofo
  15. can we have i mayb vote pl0x?
  16. that is actually a pretty old diss. its about nick cannon too!
  17. now im sendin invites too but pargy you can have evry1 here
  18. how are you so f*ckin good at this shit. this is amazing.
  19. preppydiblo@yahoo.com
  20. i alread know most of my work sucks
  21. at least im gettin better
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