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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. nice 1
  2. T3A IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. no regristion currently
  4. Can i haz 1 plox?
  5. thats perty mistur
  6. that only happens to people with epilepsy (spelling?).
  7. holly shit are you ok?
  8. lollercoaster
  9. thanx lostmodz26
  10. This was just a quick one. I would actually make a good one if I was doing it for someone else.
  11. I will do custom iPod backgrounds for $1. Nothing under unlock slide: Something under unlock slide: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/proof2.jpg I can also do pictures instead of crappy photoshop whip-ups.
  12. lol @ justrec
  13. can i have a link to this program?
  14. lol. you fail. i win.
  15. NO CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And better character actions.
  16. 1337 h4x0rz! And i always play safety dance by men without hats. yay for me! and lost i had to force my self to not make more.
  17. what did it say. its all gone.
  18. i <3 you for this peaches
  19. ÿlol, qué?
  20. ******* french people are ass holes and hate americans for NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO reason.
  21. too bad this crap is only dev/demo/reviewer shit nao
  22. America inveneted pizza and chinese food. ( reference to talladega nights )
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