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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. this is amazing
  2. Same rule. 400px by 100px. Due 2moro by 7 p.m. (est) August 9th. Curtis closed the last topic because HB and Dee were arguing and instead of realizing it was a topic for a battle between you and me he closed it. dumbasses on this site drive me crazy Heres mine: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/ironman.jpg
  3. im gonnal kill invision if they dont fix it.
  4. 100% dashboard if you followed a tutorial right. 100% you if you followed a tutorial wrong or freestyled.
  5. this site is way more boring without a cbox argument every 1/2 hour.
  6. thanx. i need a couple more opinions.
  7. @HB you are an AMAZING gfx'er but that doesnt make more special than any1 else here. @DEE you can model pretty good. but dont pick on the work HB does until youve tried it and seen how diffucult it really is. wow contest --> flame war? take it somewhere else.
  8. so for double post. im at my grandparents and internet sucks. i just kept clickin.
  9. i asked which ones better
  10. thats fast a |-|311
  11. i dont think people wanna tell you how. this site/you could get in trouble like mattyovers. but i think he used the profile tool and a hex editor.
  12. i dont think people wanna tell you how. this site/you could get in trouble like mattyovers. but i think he used the profile tool and a hex editor.
  13. thanx. i like v1 too.
  14. i dont care what the "art experts" have to say about my "gfx skills".
  15. which is better? need to know quick. v1 v2 thanx
  16. upgrade sucks hard juicy ... ... ... lollipops.
  17. so what if your ranked online?
  18. no name colors on forums
  19. not yet. no.
  20. its ok peaches. just the shoutbox makes me sad.
  21. i was just sayin
  22. shoutbox fail. quickreply fail
  23. i would mod it if i could.
  24. melo wanted this but i need to at least sturday.
  25. i think it sucks
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