Hey everyone I have another 360 for sale lol this one isn't jtaged though XD, it's just a regular 360. -It had an issue with no video and that has been fully repaired by an ANA chip reflow with my custom bga rework station with some flux which is the best reflow out there so you will not have any problems with this. Reflowing is a process where you melt the solderballs under a chip and when it cools they form a new connection, and since I always reflow with flux it will be an even stronger and better bond, making the chip better then it was before. -Added on x-clamp hybrid advanced now this is not the original youtube x-clamp trick, this has a similar thought in mind yet it doesn't cause any harm to the 360, prevents flexing, and adds shims to the gpu and cpu. Link to tut -In doing that I made sure the standoffs were completely even so no worries about any flexing -You will have no problems with this 360 at all, it will run better and last far longer then a regular 360 -Motherboard has been professionally cleaned -Includes av and power brick -Includes a wired controller Make offer
oh add me i know some sick tricks to get endure, works almost everytime if ppl do it right. my gt is ReconIII or add my friend if he's on he knows it too, his gt is tylerbata
no it looks great but like i said the stupid flash made the color look off. Maybe I should make more of these and sell them XD I still have the stencil for the xna
Hey i had this is the topic about the blue dev kits but decided it would be better to make it a seperate topic. Ok so I loved the look of the blue xna kit that I decided to replicate it. There are no stickers on this thing what I did was I got an elite case and got the xna logo from the site and with the logo I cut out the letters and made a stencil and spray painted it. Then the dvd drive cover was easy I just found a nice blue that looked like the color and spray painted that. Same with the hdd. So what do you think? I may do the side with the lines but idk I don't want to screw it up XD but I will get blue rol board and blue modded fan in the back. The hdd actuly looks perfect and matches the black but the stupid flash messed it up, that and the flash messes up the blue, but no its looks better then this pick shows it