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Everything posted by halo3

  1. halo3

    Little video =D

    yeah lol
  2. halo3

    Little video =D

    that was the lamest fall ever
  3. khoas! u r back!
  4. no not leaked really, they pulled from pnet; and the leaked version out there includes a bricking xex lol; do me favor and run it will yea grunt? btw heres a vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYkhl25SYm4
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVNysQjl5V8
  6. Yes its real grenade launchers do look like that.... ill post a vid a little later
  7. i never ment in all respects i just ment that the xbox could process a good ammount of bits at once, when did i ever say an xbox was better?
  8. just got 11775.3 for my dev :-)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gruntmods


      We have made it clear time and time again we hate you.
    3. Decatur


      I'm just gonna go ahead and ban him. K?
    4. gruntmods
  9. ARRONN!!!!!!!!!


  11. ARRONN!!!!!!!!!


  12. well thx
  13. so peaches like the idea tho?
  14. i hope not but with the credit thing it would start more topics and discussions aiding the site
  15. I am Honorably Disliked :-)
  16. Dark Master has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

    hello :-D

  17. Hey i have an idea to save ibotmodz! ok so what if we held a contest, ppl could donate things that would be the wining prizes. Then contest would be a scavenger hunt for codes hidden in differant posts and topics, with the codes they could post the code in a topic and first one to enter a certain code wins a prize. Or idk if peaches could make something where u could just enter it. That would attract new and old people back! Also what i really recomend we do is this: for every useful post or topic some1 does they get 1 credit which they can accumulate then exchange before the contest for perhaps a head start, or a clue. This would also attract ppl and give the site a boost it really needs. What do u think?
  18. DIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. i wouldnt count on that Ok so lets get back on topic, shall we?
  20. swampy666 has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

    hello :-)

  21. bump
  22. It's Good To Be Back :-)
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