I thought i told you to shut up? and no, I never said I could, I was just asking you about it, I don't know much about efuses why should I? Most of the 360s problems are chip related, becuase ms uses lead-free solder it can't handle the uneven heating and cooling the 360 has which inturn makes the chips lift away from the board thus giving error codes. Efuses causing errors are extremely rare, so no I don't know much about them, sorry.
I don't do any software, I don't care for making apps, only once in awhile will I mod but thats really it. Also you ask where is my effort? You don't know me, you have never stepped into my shop, you have never seen me work; so tell me how you can think I have no effort? I put effort into everything I do, every repair job I do and have done. You asked what I have created myself, well I have created many things myself, I however don't post them here because of all the flamming idiots on this site. Any method I create or any research I do I put on xbox-experts.com. There I have posted new mothods of removing chips for reballing, how to prevent flexing and remove heat on the hana chip, I have found great ways to prevent errors, I have found a great way to prevent flexing and give the board even heat while reflowing, I have made a whole set-up for holding my gordak smd rework station, I have found futher information on numberous error codes, like e73, e74, 0102, 0020, 0001, 0002, E05, E06, E07, and numberous other ones, and also yes I use others ideas yet I always find ways to improve them. So shut up Eazy and all the rest of you idiots on this site.
No they cost $50 atleast for a good one. Also your house receives around 1600 surges per day on a normal day lol, but then it must take a bigger surge of power to kill it?
New powerbrick doesn't protect against power surges lol, so this will be far worse then the rrod. Also this is almost imposible to repair because it will probably fry half the board if it gets a major surge. You would need to replace all the mosfets and stuff to try and repair it which is a heck of a job and probably won't work in the end lol. http://gamingbolt.com/2010/06/24/the-red-brick-of-death-new-xbox-360-already-rrodd/
just whenever it is standing up and im playing the game the drive sounds super loud, i called ms and they said to exchange it for a new one with gamestop becasue i got it less then 30 days ago. They said it would lead to problems later on, maybe a dead drive?
Well its fine if you do it all of one time, just as long as you don't run it that hot for long. Also the new xbox 360 overheats at airflow temp of 69C while the older one would run even after the air reaches 80C. So I made sure it won't damage it. Also since I got the think the dvd drive hasn't been right so I'm swaping it for a new one anyways lol.
LOL a heatgun? Think about it logicly, a heatgun shouldn't even go near an xbox. Now if you want a reflow done right you need a custom bga rework station like I have, and use flux. Also the hybrid doesn't just sand down the pegs it provides even pressure to the gpu and cpu, you add on shims to the gpu and cpu like computers have, and it prevents flexing which prevents future problems. Learn to read: http://xbox-experts.com/tutorial/team-hybrids-ultimate-xclamp-fix-released/
It can be very bad depending on how long you overheat it for and how hot it gets. Exactely why you shouldn't do the x-clamp trick. I monitered the temps to make sure it didn't get too hot and I removed everything as soon as it overheated. So no it is perfectly fine.
1. I did and i found it says around one temp 3. No one really knew this before, if so where? I've never seen the info and I am constantly looking for it on the new 360. 5.It doesn't ruin it I was monitoring the temps all I did was got the gpu/cpu to overheat then I let it cool down, it is perfectly fine
Hey its me halo3 this is my research and I am the first one to post this! So be sure to give me creidt =-P I overheated my 360 and when it overheated the airflow temp was a 69C. Also you get the seccondary error codes the same way as a regular 360. Also it has green leds not red lol. And differant error codes(i tought at first they were the same then I looked at the vid I took and realized they are differant) 0122 is now the new overheating code. Btw to overheat it i had to wrap the stupid thing up in blackets and tape vents so major credit to ms this thing doesn't overheat easily and then once it overheats it cools down really quick + rep plz lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6zc_knTszQ