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Everything posted by halo3

  1. ur not darth vader....
  2. halo3

    Xbox fix

    To help others, and find out some useful info about modding and differant crap.
  3. halo3

    Xbox fix

    Then whats the point of buying anything?
  4. halo3

    Xbox fix

    Thats like saying throw away everything you have becasue nothing on this earth is permanent. So your saying repairs are a waste of money, then tell me by that thinking inst everything you own a waste of money? owned =-P
  5. HI miniaturtutle
  6. well who else wants to buy it? And i will keep it the way it is
  7. ill buy it XD
  8. no i did understand how to do it that whole thing was a whole misunderstanding tho, but either way it doesn't matter i have the $
  9. lol
  10. well i didnt know how to do that, but i know how to create games, besdies it doesnt matter, I have the $
  11. but the ones that are still out there are cheap
  12. Looking for a xbox 360 xenon dev kit, dont care for a sidecar, i want just the dev kit, i have the power brick and all, it just has to run good. aim: itemcentral msn: xbox360smartrepairs@yahoo.com email: matt@xbox360smartrepair.com
  13. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    Peaches still did screw ppl with the whole xbr to freeboot thing, look jtags are ment to do what you want them to do since you bought it. Lol personaly I don't care if some1 goes online with a jtag, because its not mine! It may be a waste of a jtag to you but aparently it isn't to the person who is going online. Also peaches tells me to update my jtag, what am i suposed to think there? Especially when he never replied in the pm when i asked him about it before i posted this....
  14. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    Yet find it interesting that Ive asked this several times and I have yet to recieve an answer?
  15. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    How does updating not ruin my jtag!
  16. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    So peaches was trying to kill my jtag?
  17. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    No one has answered my quesiton yet...
  18. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    Well then tell me how updateing my jtag wouldn't kill it!
  19. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    how is this my fault?
  20. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    So peaches what is the final step then, and how would updating my jtag not ruin it!?
  21. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    they are ment for whatever you want, but thats not the point, he tried to screw me over!
  22. halo3

    THX Peaches!

    Staff Response Change this topic one more time, you will have posting rights stripped of you.
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