It was just advice, and then it's your loss. Both are true the x-clamp does work sometimes, and many ppl have been using it, because ppl are stupid. The x-clamp may work but if it does it will not last long and it will casue more damage due to flexing. Besides lol think about it replacing the xs with screws and tightening the crap out of it will fix your xbox? lol.
"All Consoles Have Been X-CLAMP Fixed To Prevent RROD." Lol I would advise not to buy anything since the x-clamp does more harm then good and doesn't last long. The price is better for these, but if you want a better deal spend a little more to got a non x-clamped jtag that will last you far longer.
I wonder how the secondary error codes will work, probably still the reconnect button and the dvd drive button but how will we tell the seccondary error code by the rate of the blinking? will it show green rings instead of read? Also think they will still mean the same things? like e74= gpu and/or hana chip problem
Hey I have yet another 360 for sale -Falcon Motherboard -HDMI -Like New -Professionally Cleaned -20gb hdd -Wireless Controller -Power brick -AV cable -Original Box -Original Papers Make offer
oh lol yeah thats working now, i thought you ment how much would i pay for an xbox that has a broken button. But yeah it all dpends on the condition its in for how much it's worth.
I actually partnered with some1 who has several 360 sites and gets thousands of ppl on the sites per day. He made me the site and is doing all my marketing in exchange for a %