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Everything posted by halo3

  1. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1276805400.png
  2. while in most cases not all he could have just joined back then for some little thing then forgot about the site. In MOST cases the ammount of posts often indicates the person's involvement with the site; not all i do agree but most cases. btw squirrel make this your pic: http://www.itmakesyournosetickle.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/flaming-squirrel.jpg
  3. lol while people don't pay anything for the network; and lol just another reason xbox>ps3 :-P
  4. lol involved in the site again? he only has 13 posts total lol
  5. http://i.imgur.com/FXUii.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9XhNn.jpg
  6. But you can't live in the past :-P
  7. Yeah i had the same probelm i must have ruined two 20gb hdds like that just another reason dev>jtags :-P
  8. ok honestly what is the point of putting that out there if they don't even put a download?
  9. Just got and installed my sidecar for my dev, its a gray 2007 i got it for "free" I just needed to do some xbox repairs :-)
  10. y u never on aim or msn? :'-(
  11. i do once in a while lol its pretty good.
  12. depending on the one you buy but it is more like 10,000 XD
  13. No actually defragmenting causes more damage and shrinks the life of the SSD. But actualy windows 7 has a lock out thing that prevents you defraging it. Btw you know SSDs can only be rewritten so many times.
  14. lol format it every day :-)
  15. Just got a 213watt power brick for my XDK off ebay for $20 :-D now i can use my sidecar
    1. Quinn


      lol... thats pretty low wattage compared to what I'm used to :p
  16. you still missread waht i said
  17. Idk how i can make myself any clearer that I don't want them online. Did you even remotly read what i said? Look again and read it closely, I said "no1 wants jtags online" and "i know this isnt it but it is still a step closer unfortionatly". As i stated above i clearly dont want them online your right they ruin online gameplay, how in the world did u think I did want them online based off what i said?
  18. i cant believe it, no1 wants jtags online, i know this isnt it but it is still a step closer unfortionatly
  19. no its not... it works on devs too
  20. might have been nice when halo2 was popular, not now when its dead.... Still is a cool collection tho
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