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Everything posted by amcboi95

  1. I got this link and supposedly it's free m$ points. Legit or not? -Link removed so people don't get phished-
  2. I used to have this. You can trust it. I did it and I've only gotten a handful of emails. DON'T get it if you have an iPhone. It doesn't allow visual voicemail. :/
  3. MyGTisAmCb0i95 I'm changing mine soon.
  4. Hell yeah dude.
  5. amcboi95

    YT Slow!

    I have 2 gigs of ram and a half gig video card? So idk.
  6. amcboi95

    YT Slow!

  7. amcboi95

    YT Slow!

    YouTube videos are loading very slow for me. It's not my internet speed because they've worked fine for 5 years. Now, all of the sudden, I have to watch in normal quality just to let it load. Help is greatly appreciated.
  8. Gay frogs drive encyclopedias while wiping sweat from the sky.
  9. Wow.. That's amazing. I put it in fullscreen and it was like I was playing H3 on my PC. Sex quality.
  10. The lights are on... Well, the "light" is on. He just doesn't have a controller plugged in.
  11. amcboi95


    Thank youu.. Jeeze, these people just don't get it.
  12. amcboi95


    He asks if she has a phone and it clearly says uploaded from a mobile ******* phone.
  13. amcboi95


    It shows a phone and says uploaded from mobile phone.
  14. amcboi95


    http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/72/l_a05a52cd13514edc8a167f3523d8ae0b.jpg EDIT--It's fail because the guy asks if she has a phone and it says, "Uploaded from mobile." In other words. Nahh **** she has a phone.
  15. amcboi95

    Course mod

    Yeah. I lol'd. Still, he's French. Give him a break. Still funny though.
  16. Same here...
  17. Still haz teh brokezorz.[
  18. amcboi95


    It's infinity!!!!
  19. Well, it was very helpful.
  20. Damn... This is nice. Thanks a lot.
  21. I agree with you on that one. Metallica is $%#^%# great.
  22. amcboi95


    Okay thanks. I'll try to get a separate one. Any you could recommend that are not tooo expensive?
  23. Soz. I really do wanna see that video though. Which I doubt anyone can find. lol.
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