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Everything posted by amcboi95

  1. amcboi95


    Why does everyone keep saying Macs don't have right-click....? It definitely does.
  2. WAT remover.
  3. What is File I/O surrogate? It sure is taking up a lot of memory...
  4. Here's mine
  5. amcboi95


    hay its Chray
  6. amcboi95


  7. Invasion comes on the beta on May 3.
  8. Will that work on retail?
  9. Damn you. Doesnt work. Got me excited for nothing.
  10. Holy shit tomorrows my birthday.
  11. Pretty nice. thx Edit: I'm glad it can be disbaled
  12. Obviously fake....
  13. I tried, but failed.
  14. 1. Get driver genius. 2. http://lmgtfy.com/?q...dows+7+features Win7 is a lot faster and more stable than Vista.
  15. I know, but I forgot to save the PSD before I closed photoshop. /Sadface.
  16. I was bored and decided to make a wallpaper for my own personal use, but why not share it? Start the flaming.
  17. amcboi95

    Kayak Fail

    Google Maps. From Washington to China. This is one of the directions. -.-
  18. Fixed by myself. Close.
  19. So, I have Ubuntu. One day when I booted it decided to not work. I'm a total Linux noob. So please help. Sorry for the bad quality picture. But this is what it is showing.
  20. Nvm. Fixed it myself. Close thread. Kthxbai.
  21. Okay. So, first of all, let me say that I'm overall impressed with Ubuntu. It was so easy to install with Windows 7. Easiest dual-boot I've ever done. It's really fast and responsive. But, I'm having a problem with my dock. (awn) There's this little white box around all of my icons. It's like they're not actually "sitting" on the dock. More of in front of it. Please help.
  22. Would be way better if it ran ******* leopard. But no, they decided to make a huge iPod. I'm so disappointed.
  23. I agree with you on everything except Rock Band/GH DLC. <br>In iTunes, a song is $.99. (Who really buys music?)<br>But that's besides the point. In Rock Band/Guitar Hero a downloadable song is 160 MP or 80 MP.<br>So that's like what $1.00 US? Amirite?<br>The artists also get payed. But, you're right, mappacks and campaign addonsb that cost are stupid.<br><br>
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