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Everything posted by amcboi95

  1. Biggest bump ever! Woo!
  2. amcboi95


    Nahh. It's just the tower. Thanks for teh helpzorz.
  3. amcboi95


    Ebay ftw. Is this a good computer for graphics? Mainly looking to play like maybe Oblivion on low graphics. Or MAYBE Crysis on low graphics. Any help is appreciated.
  4. Embedded fail...
  5. All I do is hit mine on the top and it opens. xD
  6. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    Seriously? If it is then just go ahead and shoot me now... lol
  7. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    Well, it doesn't say disc unreadable , but it still says corrupt. :/ I think It may be my KV.
  8. Don't mean to bug people. But, what else are Dev Kits good for?
  9. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    Okay thanks a lot. Haven't tried it yet but, when I do I'll tell you.
  10. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    Okay thanks.
  11. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    Do you think you could mod a save for me? Mine still says corrupt. :/ I just want to see if it's something I'm doing wrong. Noclip-D-pad up sv cheats-d-pad down. Please?
  12. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    When I try to go to New Game it says the file on my harddrive is corrupted. Is there any way you culd make a full tutorial? Edit-Must have used a bad KV. I got a different one. Now it says disc unreadable. :/
  13. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    Ahhh, thanks alot. I have it for PC and I just want to be able to use commands on the 360.
  14. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    What offset would I start and end at in like the UserSettings file?
  15. amcboi95

    Portal Modding?

    Does anyone here know how to mod Portal? I know you should be able to mod the user settings con file and use the pc commands for it. Like you can for Left4 Dead. Any help is appreciated.
  16. I know this is reallllyyy old but how much hd space do i need?
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