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Everything posted by amcboi95

  1. I'm sorry.. I didn't quite understand that. Is there any way you could speak English?
  2. Nice quadruple post.
  3. amcboi95


    Wow.... I fail so hard. xxawrxx@aol.com
  4. amcboi95


    I wantz one. pl0x?
  5. DUDE!!! Read the ******* announcement.
  6. Wow...
  7. It works.
  8. test Ya. No ajax. :[
  9. lawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawl
  10. Yeah. I heard about that. I agree with you on that one.
  11. I don't think this is the same kid as the one who ran from police to get out of going to church... Edit: I think you failed Peaches.
  12. WIN. Agree.
  13. Halo has an amazing story line.
  14. amcboi95


  15. ?
  16. I lol'd.
  17. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/mygtisamcb0i95/avatar-body.png Edit: I look nothing like that btw.
  18. Win?
  19. Apple sauce ftw
  20. i 5 meg connection
  21. I'm getting cones.
  22. lawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawlawl
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