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Everything posted by amcboi95

  1. Wow. This is a huge breakthrough.
  2. Yee. I have all of the Leopard cursors and a Snow Leopard slideshow.
  3. I lol'd. Sex. I haz winz?
  4. Is that only for iPods? Cause I have an iPhone 3g 3.1.2 and I've turned it off and on many times..
  5. Closer to the hud for the beta maybe. Idk. Doesn't look too good. I couldn't do any better though. Add grenades.
  6. I think we should have a "Movies" section. It could possibly bring more members to the website. And no, not warez. Like, review the movie and discuss our opinions on it. Post trailers and images, etc.. on the movie. Discuss. Kthxbai.
  7. Yes!
  8. Funny. Queer.
  9. I'm glad it's finally back!
  10. I hate you.
  11. It's just a Halo CE mod.
  12. amcboi95


    Fade the orange a little more. Also, remember when there was a big ass black bar on Halo 3 beta. I think something of that nature should be there. Overall, 4.5/5.
  13. Use Any Video Converter. It does both. http://www.any-video-converter.com/products/for_video_free/
  14. See us in heaven? LAWL.
  15. Fail.
  16. They never miss a shot.
  17. Sent.
  18. Power brick.
  19. About 5 months ago. I now I have an iPhone 3G so this is pretty old. http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/47/l_40a559a819754c3c93e17b50f0aea505.jpg
  20. Pointless tut is pointless.
  21. I have a mangina.
  22. No.
  23. "cause im burning it"
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