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Everything posted by amcboi95

  1. wot
  2. Thx for teh repz pargy <3
  3. Get 1000 posts...
  4. So 10.5.1 is still good though?
  5. -.- What's different?
  6. What's the difference between kalyway 10.5.2 and 10.5.1?!?!?
  7. hay 2
  8. amcboi95


    Oh damn.
  9. I'm going into ninth. I'm not in band. Lawl.
  10. amcboi95

    Shantys suck

    And I thought mine was bad.
  11. I play drums. I've been playing for about two years.
  12. amcboi95


    http://www.speedtest.net/result/525940942.png hay
  13. hay
  14. amcboi95

    Rise Against!

    <3 I love Rise Against.
  15. grass
  16. hay
  17. It's more. FAIL
  18. lolfail @ "This Took Me About Two And A Half Weeks To Make"
  19. I <3
  20. Oh my God. I haven't modded in forever. I feel like such a noob. I hate to ask this, but where is your halo 3 profile located? Don't flame me please.
  21. Not teh pr0nz.
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