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Everything posted by .Eli

  1. Thanks!, Also i love the fact i can download mods using Fileshare instead of having to FTP them like halo 2. Ahh technology
  2. .Eli


    Will someone make me a gift =]? - Eli
  3. Oh boy, i havent played those in soo long! I must get them again, Thanks for reminding me
  4. .Eli

    need help

    You have the avalanche one????, If you could add it to your fileshare and link it to me. That would be splended
  5. Wow, this seems usefull. Sorry to bump this old topic, But i saw it in the chatbox. And i figured to look at it, I think i might use this tool on my Original Xbox.
  6. .Eli

    Zanzibar Fun

    Hahaha, Tire fun! This mod reminds me of a Garage.... Blown and used tires everywhere xD
  7. Well, you should help advertise this site too. Dont go around spamming, just every now and then post it
  8. Personally, Snowbound. I love that map
  9. Is there a way to make firefox load faster then iE? Like, when i open IE it opens almost instantly. Firefox sometimes takes more then 2 seconds. Im anxious when i see the internet Haha.
  10. WMM is good. I dont see why people avoid it either, Just because it isnt top notch software doesnt mean you shouldnt give it a shot. Heck, when i used to make movies with a Capture card. I used WMM sometimes just for text effects
  11. Thank you for supporting my post. I hope this team falls through eventually. Till then, Lets start to advertise.
  12. Lol, someone is hard headed. Had to cut it down with your head EH?! I wonder how
  13. Hoo-ray. Finally, ive posted a good idea
  14. .Eli

    Halo 3 Bridging

    Because im trying to recruit Ibot members? Thats my reasoning. Please just leave this topic and keep it from flaming war.
  15. .Eli

    Halo 3 Bridging

    Ok, Where did i delibertly say "Only da kewl people". Im simply getting people with some knowlage to play, Not just random people i dont know. Get your facts straight please.
  16. He left?!
  17. I wanted to see it, it has decent reviews. Whats your rating out of 10?
  18. .Eli

    flooded avalench

    Well, if your the first to do so. Congrats, But i don't believe it for a minute. This looks like somthing someone else has done already.... I think i do remember seeing it.
  19. Artsoto, You clearly are trying to boost your post since you didnt just read the following reply's, As Ibotpeaches said, There will be updates as the site grows so thats meaning there is a chance for it. Secondly, We havent even clarify'd that there will be such a team. And last but not least, Why would they accept someone, with such poor grammar and doesnt read? Sorry if that sounds like im flaming, but seriously.... Anyways, for future reference. This is going to be a good idea IMO. =] Yay for activeness woot, Im hyper. Hehehe IBOTPEACHES RULES.
  20. Hello, im looking for a FULL VERSION of roller coaster tycoon, Either 1 2 or 3. I really want this game, I dont feel like paying for it sadly But if anyone can find or has a full version of either of the 3, and is willing to hand it over to me. It would be greatly appriciated, Thanks a bunch. -eli
  21. Thats fine, And as for Ibotpeaches. I totally understand your standings on where we are on Ibotmodz.net so far. So a wait will be in order. All im looking for is, Your wording on this, Do you think this could be acceptable in the future? =]
  22. This person has time on his hands, and has skill to music. Good find
  23. Noooooo, im not going to spam it Lol. Im active on many forums, And im going to add it into my signiture on them. Im not those kids that spam forums as you can see , So no worries.
  24. >.> Kids like artsoto make me want to get chuck norris on them Heh. Legacy, i think he's trying to boost his post count to access VIP at 100 Posts.... But anyways back on topic please, The support team would consist of 3-5 members and must be active everyday for atleast 2hours. Which is practially me Ha, Im always on, and since schools out of the way i can be super active WOOT ACTIVENESS! Ha, Well lets hope for the best guys!
  25. Hello everyone!, Eli speaking and im here to announce i will be bridging in halo 3! This means, I will be willing to give host to ANYONE. So if you want host for that extra juicy shotgun shell or even to... Cheat..... Just tell me! Im willing to help anybody!!!! You just have to have a good reason for me to help, and you must be a member on Ibotmodz.net!!!! So if your interested in help, Because i know how frustrating it is to get 50 in halo. I WILL HELP!! Your welcome - Eli PS: My GamerTag is OMG iTz GeEzY
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