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LXV Grizzly

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Everything posted by LXV Grizzly

  1. Um.. when i get an xport ill have one for you, but it will probably be to late at that point.
  2. um... ok... glad you posted? why was this posted it doesnt even have pics... are you releasing or was it just to inform us?
  3. soryy accidental double post!
  4. I think it looks pretty good, to bad once you go through it its normal
  5. OK i can shed some some light on halo matchmaking system. Basically you rank based off of your gametype win/loss ratio, not experience, the problem when you get higher rank is that you have a higher ratio becuase youve played all those games. its like trying to raise your stats on bnet, after youve played 1000 games, it gets really hard. This is what im told by a friend so thats what i think, he seems to know what hes talking about.
  6. What walls exactly are you talking about? the ones outside the level?
  7. I wish the frigate wasnt host only, becuase then it would be playable, you could have infection games inside of it (if it would save)
  8. Im pretty sure sandtrap isnt one of them... but whatever you say.
  9. Yea i just wish some people would make worthwhile mods on other levels, the pit is kinda limited besides hogs
  10. Yea i just wish some people would make worthwhile mods on other levels, the pit is kinda limited besides hogs
  11. Well your going to need 4 teams becuase if you play the same people a certain amount of times in a row then you dont gain exp or rank.
  12. Well, out of THOSE choices id have to say the guardian one with the shield doors and the revolving ring around the level, its really cool.
  13. that sucks, wish it wasnt but it does look pretty cool if its real
  14. that sucks, wish it wasnt but it does look pretty cool if its real
  15. Thatd be tight if it was the glass floor becuase then you could make a box like that! and put people in it.
  16. Well out of those limited choices id say guardian, just because its the most playable.
  17. Well im glad progress is being made in modding, but i do have to say id rather not be bridged when im getting my 50 lagit, that would be annoying. But heck theres nothing i can do to stop you.. But please dont release to much info on the subject, becuase matchmaking should still be actual matches not bridges. Good luck with your 50. If you see LXV Grizzly on the other team dont boot me thanks!
  18. Why would bungie make it so you cant spawn with certain weapons?
  19. Bungie doesnt have any plans to release it for free.
  20. Im glad your modding, but ive seen to many pelicans and warthogs on the pit so sorry, no DL for me. Nice job though none the less.
  21. Yea people keep making these modded pics, i think bungie is more worried about those than maps. also he said "remaked"
  22. lol well its good to know that progress is being made, i cant wait to see it!
  23. That sucks, btw peaches hows that alternate download program thing coming?
  24. fredrick hey its grizzly, but that is impossible, read more about modding, you cant make a forge varient mod of snowtrap becuase theres not snow in the maps files and stuff. and if it was a .map mod then you wouldnt be able to play it without a dev kit which can cost near 1000 dollars.
  25. ok, what i dont understand is why bungie hasnt already banned the key pair and what not, I mean they can see people are modding maps so why not stop it before people release the signer?
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