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Everything posted by Dog5point0

  1. u cant realy play it
  2. im going to on my next test mod
  3. wow lol film modding plus this section is only for maps and its not even in the right format
  4. thank you
  5. i had one it broke tho
  6. so can i put screenshots of mods in my fs
  7. ok well im modding a film its my first time ever modding halo 3 but i dont have a Xport or Xsata so i need someone to transfer the file to the pc for me and email it to me on aol and then i need someone to resign it for me add me my gamertag is Dog5point0
  8. u should realse
  9. You can unlock recon when you play this Enjoy http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=35517694 PS: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A DEV KIT TO PLAY Way 2 Ill tell you how to get it 1.Get a hard drive transfer cable 2.Download file unlocker 3.Hook up your hardrive to your computer 4.Use file unlocker to unlock your hardrive - you can unlock all halo 3 armor/ranks/exp Cod 4 guns / camos/ ranks ETC
  10. thats not old it just got realesed its just ppl got it and leaked it but shot was pissed iv hade it 4 like 2 mounths
  11. is it the one with trip mines
  12. srry i cant find the deleat button so i did this
  13. i have the avalanche but im not posting it add me too get it Dog5point0
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