ok well im modding a film its my first time ever modding halo 3 but i dont have a Xport or Xsata so i need someone to transfer the file to the pc for me and email it to me on aol and then i need someone to resign it for me add me my gamertag is Dog5point0
You can unlock recon when you play this Enjoy http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=35517694 PS: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A DEV KIT TO PLAY Way 2 Ill tell you how to get it 1.Get a hard drive transfer cable 2.Download file unlocker 3.Hook up your hardrive to your computer 4.Use file unlocker to unlock your hardrive - you can unlock all halo 3 armor/ranks/exp Cod 4 guns / camos/ ranks ETC