wtf im just sharing funny mods i made with the people you think ur o so cool and u know what u have no reason to flame me im just posting some pics of mods shot probably couldnt do
lol my schools the worst they have a desktop monitoring system on all comps the have almost all extensions blocked they have like millions of wesites blocked (even though me and all my friends figured out the override password "Admin:FCS2" lol ) and one time i was on IBM at school and my librarian used the damn program and started closing it out and then yelled at me in notepad lol and our school uses gay ass macs so there is no cmd the closest thing is Terminal.dmk and .exe isnt even a supported file same with .bak macs have no idea what any of that s*** is they are really GAY
Ok i have a Dazzle DVC -101 Capture card i will capture mods or glitches that YOU made/found for FREE but i will only do so many a day because i actually have a life and things to do besides record videos if you need me to i will edit videos for you too but that will cost you i have sony vegas pro 8 i will only charge a small amount of m$ points for edits also if you want i can send the video to you or just put it on my youtube account with full credit to you in the video if you want me to do this just reply in this topic MAKE SURE TO PUT UR XBL NAME IN THE POST and i will add u and do the video My XBL name is iTz JakeT
Simple program load a gamer pic file and this prg will search for diff pics u can inject into that file Donwload Here Scan:
ok i made this signer with slips source code just really quick so its ok looking but nothing special Screenshot None dont feel like taking one of it its just slips but i moves some sh@* around Download Here Scan: