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Everything posted by Dog5point0

  1. i was gunna help with that we recorded it all and it didnt work when we got into that room thats suppost to be all foggy u said but we got up there and it wasnt so we kept trying to get down lol
  2. cant i share what i think of the program
  3. i used this b4 a long time ago i didnt like it it looked so gay lol
  4. i have ubuntu i LOVE it its so much better than vista
  5. i have the same one but in red i like it but what can u hack on it?
  6. i love my krzr
  7. the link is broke
  8. i cant get this to work for some reason
  9. lmao what
  10. ya caboose i will help you with this when i find my h2 disk i bet it wont be to bad but idk how to do the song in the warthog so im gunna need some help with that
  11. my profile keeps going corrupt wtf is up with that
  12. i wish ppl with dev kits would be nice and make saves for us to use this with =( lol
  13. hey you should get more saves so we can acutely play as alot of **** and acutely move lol
  14. dude nice but we need some more saves to be released for this so it would be sick!
  15. oh lol srry bout that but idk i will try it when i get gold again hopefully this weak end
  16. no its not modded he only added one power drain in the 2nd level but with a brute shot it is possible in matchmaking
  17. for some reason my capture card filmed it like that i was gunna slow it down in vegas but i forgot lol
  18. This is my friend Chris getting the orbital skull using only trick jumps name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" width="425" height="344"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" />Cannot Be Displayed
  19. i just got a 64mb mem card for my 360 but i need the drivers for it that way i can use it for modding if any1 could help me that would be nice
  20. lmao you quoted that from my post about dumb asses on your site
  21. they should make a guitar hero metal, just have all metal like a7x, all that remains, b4mv., and other awesome bands like that
  22. couldn't you just swap the hlmt of a warthog with a soccer ball? and then it would look like you are driving a soccer ball?
  23. lol wow
  24. I have to say this PHAIL!!!!!! LMFAO And good question im pretty shure he has no idea how to spell at all
  25. LMAO! Really learn to spell
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