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Everything posted by Dog5point0

  1. i will have it up on ebay soon
  2. it was a pro
  3. No no other problems
  4. any other questions feel free to ask i will answer
  5. kk one sec i will grab that for you (posted in the origanal topic)
  6. Dog5point0

    For Sale

    Semi Modded Xbox 360 EBAY LINK Specs: Window Benq drive No RROD No Banns Asking $100 for it, ebay link will be posted in time Dash Version:2.0.8955.0 MFR: 2008-06-25 HDMI Port Disk tray only works half the time this is for PARTS & REPAIR and is sold AS-IS. Old pics the in the window is sanded and is flush with nice straight cuts, and there is no lines on it anymore. also disk drive has no tape on it i re glued it. To fix this xbox it only requires a new disk drive but this one works half the time. You can get a new drive HERE for about $30 Pics: http://i45.tinypic.com/2e33hjs.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/2vx3twg.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/29zdf12.jpg My reason for selling this was i decided to buy a new Xbox 360 pro and will be modding that insteed. Included: JUST THE XBOX NOTHING ELSE The HDD pictured is NOT included Faceplate IS included, its just not pictured in the one cuz i didnt get that far in life lol The Power and AV cord ARE included with this xbox
  7. i knew i had to flash but wasnt sure of the drive situation
  8. Ok can i go from a benq Dg-16D2S to a benq VAD6038?? or must i stay the same model of drive?
  9. kk im gunna be flashing
  10. really? i was told otherwise lol but is that a benq??
  11. K so i am buying a relpacement drive for my 360 and i was hopping to just do the chip swap insteed of flashing it so i wouldnt get banned but i was looking at benq drives and mine and the chip looks totally diff! Heres my drive: http://i48.tinypic.com/huep93.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/vskrx0.jpg
  12. Update 2: Due to me having the flu or some shit the cutting will be delayed til either tomorrow or friday, and now i am unshure of the tools we are using to cut cause i will be doing it with our schools wood shop teacher and not the laser cuttter pictures will be posted in THIS update of the tools and the proses once i get it done and taken home to update the post Cuts: http://i50.tinypic.com/11kut0n.jpg http://i46.tinypic.com/nb4qid.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/2vx3twg.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/dw2czl.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/jfaxjr.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/2e33hjs.jpg Sanding it so its flat and getting the plexiglass for it soon
  13. I have been looking around and i find it STUPID that people are making 100's of dollars selling these profile editors. When most of us have the knowledge to just do it in a hex editor anyways. i personaly dont get it so I am making a new one with all the features of most others and will be posting it 100% free! it may take me some time to get it working and out but i will keep everyone updated. Testers: TBA
  15. whats the website you said in the video i didnt quite understand
  16. i ride a lammar right now but im buying a forum... and i was origanaly gunna do the burton logo but i changed my mind and did a kink logo. im doing the cutting tomorrow and then im going to try and get some plexiglass from home depot, once i get that i will be etching it and gluing it in with my grandpa lol
  17. yeah i was always gunna put plexi glass just not the whole window was gunna be that but now it is
  18. Huh ic well i just installed windows 7 and will start looking into more things with it
  19. well i changed my plans a tad bit today me and my friend were talking about it and im going to remove the Kink logo and just etch it into the peice of plexi glass i think that will look better and it will be turned for it to me standing up and thats actually a bandanna i use for snowboarding lol ^.^
  20. Hey guys ,has anyone looked into modding the iso of modern warefare 2. im thinking about trying to soon when i get my disk drive flashed. if anyone has tryed or would like to help post some of the things you have found here and i will do the same.
  21. lmao i dont put up with them when my stuff breaks i fix it my self
  22. lol yeah andrew when u want to add something just click edit, hes new so he doesnt know lol
  23. i will help ya out next time you come over we can do some fun shit
  24. as dumb as it sounds but im bringing it into my school and cutting in with the schools laser cutter with master cam mill 8 iv talked to our teacher and he says that it will be able to do it easy and be able to get into the small cracks with out any issue
  25. Dog5point0's Xbox Mods Start: This all started when my disk tray broke and wont read disks anymore so i ripped it apart and cleaned it all up then it worked for about a month but it stopped working again so i opened it once again and tryed some more things to it nothing worked so i said to my self **** this im buying a new drive and putting some sick shit in it. http://i50.tinypic.com/avh3x2.jpg Update 1: Window time, designing my custom Kink BMX window. There will be a window cut out and in the center of it will be a Kink logo http://i49.tinypic.com/oqewrt.jpg Under the window i will have it light with Blue LED lights http://i47.tinypic.com/1ylv7n.jpg forgot to say im also gunna fill the xbox 360 text logo thing on the side so its a flush finish Tons of credit to my friend Aaron for freehand drawing the kink logo for me, i will be cutting it tomorrow i hope i will post updates as they happen Tell me what you think, or let me know if you have any ideas for me Update 2: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/17274_my_360_hadware_mods/page__view__findpost__p__111908 Update 3: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/17274_my_360_hadware_mods/page__view__findpost__p__113001
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