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Everything posted by Dog5point0

  1. Dog5point0

    PS3 ID's

  2. http://i46.tinypic.com/2yubtkj.jpg this is an old one we never made im working on a album cover too
  3. i hate flash drive modding too, bcuz now EVERYONE with a 5$ flash drive can mod and it gets old
  4. yes thats why im here not on se7ensins lol
  5. that is a previous post that i made a few months ago, and i came back to the xobx/modding community about two weeks ago after having boken my xbox and not wanting to buy a new one.... well i have found out that the modding community has gotten even worse, with fash drive modding almost anyone can do it now i go into my friends list to see that ***ing 6th graders from my school are modding their avatars and gamerscore. tell me why the hell would a 6th grader need to mod something, well actually why does anyone need to mod something its gotten to the point where even the PS3 is shit online with mods. if we are going to mod why do we have to do it in an online match? it ruines the game for everybody else also who gives a shit if your tenth prestige its just a name that shows u have no life..... xbox and ps3 are supost to be fun and modding isnt and never should be a money making business, i was just in a party a "modder" was trying to charge people to be in the party with him... its just stupid..... when Halo Reach comes out i would love to see everyone doing what used to be done, fun playable FREE modded maps that everyone can have fun on, NOT online ********
  6. they told me to make a bright and colorful shirt lol i did i made a few more but they are on a different computer.... and we had to have a shirt that some of the non emo girls would wear lmao
  7. http://i42.tinypic.com/ra8fvr.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/bfriuu.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/11jmzxv.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/29woar8.jpg theres more but i dont have it uploaded
  8. open your harddrive and connect it up that way with the sata cables in ur computer EDIT oops sorry yung i posted as soon as you did
  9. have u tryed to just update. sudo apt-get install update or when it starts tap f2 and go to recovery mode and see if it can find an error with it. if nothing works try installing linux mint it is by far my favorite linux i hav ever ran. you just have to burn the iso and boot to the cd and ur all good. http://linuxmint.com/ also anything else talk to me on aim iTzDog5point0 im good with linux i ran it for almost a year then got windows 7. but yeah i cant quite read that so im not sure whats going on lol
  10. Dog5point0

    For Sale

    I was buying some stuff for my xbox and this was in my cart some how so now i have it and dont want it its never been used so yeah i want 18$ for it and shipping will be about 5$ this is a VIA VT6421A chipset card for flashing your drive http://i49.tinypic.com/2yycuo3.jpg
  11. next im instaling a flashed drive and leds then etching
  12. http://i50.tinypic.com/f1w6dc.jpg finished painted pic of it
  13. Update 3: I bought the cd drive and will be flashing it next week most likely, i have just started the painting and have the plexiglass glued in too, i have only primer on it at the moment. but i am painting it flat black. http://i49.tinypic.com/b8vlfp.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/2rzorqo.jpg http://i50.tinypic.com/2417bb5.jpg http://i50.tinypic.com/4sb147.jpg more pics when i get the black on it =) also buying the Blaster CK3 so the flash is easyer and i dont have to open it everytime i update http://i49.tinypic.com/200cgw3.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/2rxxteg.jpg http://i50.tinypic.com/f1w6dc.jpg
  14. for 1000$ per ipad paper would be cheaper
  15. http://i47.tinypic.com/mjomtu.jpg just something i made for myself... i dont like the font but i have shitty fonts and cant find a good one to go with this any ideas for a font?
  16. http://i49.tinypic.com/97p5qe.jpg http://i46.tinypic.com/j9lc0j.jpg these are my 2nd try at making something that looks kool lol still learning, any tips?
  17. ehh oh well im not the best at this stuff i know that but wiith time i will get better
  18. rolf i made it rrly fast with Gimp it wasnt suppose to be great just better than his current one lol
  19. made this in gimp in like 5 mins cuz i was bored http://i45.tinypic.com/24gk8c4.jpg
  20. no im saying like make it say something random or change it to the cheater option lol
  21. well when a person gets banned or reset it changes to cheater so there may be a way i will look around 2moro prolly
  22. Ok we can mod gamer tag, achievements, gamerscore..... but can we mod your gamerzone, like the thing that says family, pro, underground..... yeah that thing
  23. Lets take a look back in time to the days of halo 3 usermap modding before the con resigners were public. We would buy a signer and feel so good about our selfs, we would open up johnson and hxd and make a gay little tag swap that had no point AT ALL and think it was so kool and show all our friends this was when the community was only in the 100's and people didnt use modding as a business. Once the resigner was public everyone wanted one and everyone was modding this was when modding exploded. After some time people started modding the Call of Duty games and their profiles to make their gamerscore higher, people sell these editors for 100's of dollars and are modding achievements for 100's of dollars. They sell mods to cheat in call of duty and other games but why? its only a number and a rank on a game.... think what will the non modders think when your in cod 4 flying? would you like it, i know i wouldnt. Modding as turned into Hacking and Money making and its ********, it used to be fun to play mods with your friends but now you cant go on MW2 for a day without getting into a modded game and its dumb it ruins the gameplay, or if you find someone who you get in an online fight with chances are that you will be DOSED and thats not fun at all or if you download a program it may phish you or infect you with a bot and thats even dumber. I would love to see modding to go back to the old days of fun and NOT money making and hacking.
  24. i got lazy and my friends giving me a deal on his 360 so i said i would sell this one and buy his EBAY LINK POSTED
  25. lol update the main post guys please read
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