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Everything posted by Dog5point0

  1. LOL that would be amazing
  2. i told u i read it lol
  3. Um some of the insertable items didnt work for me and the bigger text didnt work at all even though ik it works so im gunna remove the bigger text option and try to fix the insertable items
  4. Thz ya it is i just found sum bugs in it though im gunna fix it in a sec.
  5. ya i was gunna but idk what other codes work
  6. lol ya i kinda rushed it out i was up realy late those few nights trying to finish it befor some one steals my idea
  7. nice !! u should have played this that one day we were bored instead we got stuck on my modded mlg guardian map
  8. nice map im not gunna dl though first of all cuz the link is down and second of all cuz im not to into dling mods cuz i can make my own but any ways good job
  9. i saw that so i didnt change it but i did add in that in the help option before i figured that out
  10. Thsnks i hope it help you people out there
  11. u guys im new to this and theres no reason to flame me and also it hasnt been done before with thethings i added to it and when i get my new laptop i will make more my self im not trying to start a flame thread so just dont say anything if its not guuna be nice
  12. Thank you and just for every retard who is gunna say ik i used PART of it because i couldnt make the description box work so DON'T SAY IT!!!! i dont want to listen to it and as your 1st grade teacher said "If you dont have anything good to say dont say anything !"
  13. Halo 3 Description Modder 2 Features -Mod description (Input colored text, images, and text size) -Change the author -Change the Title Screenshot Download Download Here
  14. thank you
  15. Dog5point0

    Help Plz

    Ok, many people here saw my post for the description modder beta but i was planning on posting the final version of that program today but i am having some problums with it i need some one with more experiance than me to help with it i have to make it so it gives you a pop-up box when you get to the point when you type to much the file size changes to a larger file. if any one can help me plz reply. thank you iTz Dog5point0 also if a mod could lock my description modder beta post that would be nice to thanks and o ya srry i ment to post this in Halo 3 Modding forum but some how i posted it here move it if you want idc
  16. Dog5point0

    The Pit Bound

    Halo 3 your a $%#^%# dumb ass all u do is ask questions and talk s*** about ppls maps id like to see if u even know wut a con resigner dose besides resign and i bet u dont even $%#^%# know how to do anything with out a app the dose it for u and then u still complain about this map please halo go @#%$ off
  17. its realy random but good job on ur fist mod i guess its not hard anymore so im not gunna give u as much credit as u would get if u started a while ago and if it was playable
  18. this is realy shotspartin his old name was Shotspartin117 and he got baned so he made a new acount named Shotspartin1177 just like i went from Dog5pointo to iTz Dog5pointO
  19. shot in the post change my name from Dog5point0 to iTz Dog5pointO
  20. Dog5point0

    Sandbox 3

    can i haz sandbox 3 plz
  21. U FAIL AT LIFE SO GO @#%$ OFF AND GET A LIFE I can mod way better than u dick
  22. i say its fine the way it is y put random s*** on the map that has no point at all
  23. wow i was there for almost every try it took 4 ever lol
  24. Dog5point0


    acualy ppl have cracked it but didnt tell how also the thing u want to do is a modded controler not a game mod
  25. im going to get xsata cuz i dont want to un-hook the hdd and go to the comp and the hook it up its a longer proses
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