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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan

    800 Posts :D

    Are you sure your not playing Wow?
  2.  Dan

    800 Posts :D

    Aww, well done
  3.  Dan

    800 Posts :D

  4.  Dan

    800 Posts :D

    3 People in a row just pwned themselves.
  5. He's removed the list now.. This was 4 days ago
  6.  Dan

    800 Posts :D

    This calls for some binary 01101001010000100110111101110100010011010110111101100100011110100010000001101001 011100110010000001110100011010000110010100100000011000110110111101101111011011000 110010101110011011101000010000001110111011001010110001001110011011010010111010001 100101001000000110010101110110011001010111001000100001000011010000101000001101000 010100010110101111000010001000110000101101110011100110110111101101101011001010110 0101
  7. Thats what I get after a while... EDIT: Woo, 800th post
  8. http://swagbucks.com/
  9.  Dan


    Hello darlin' Welcome back mateeeee.
  10.  Dan

    Shoutbox Rules

    Mehh, or demote all teh nub VIP's and get rid of VIP flood control Cookiez all around.
  11. Register on the real website. Im getting problems with this now, I get that damn framework error after its been searching for like 4 secs. I have framework 3.5...
  12.  Dan

    Shoutbox Rules

    Uhh ffs... I was going to say remove it for some people, but leave it on for the spamming/ nub VIP's. Couldn't you make 2 VIP usergroups and take off/ lower the shout wait for one of the usergroups?
  13.  Dan

    Shoutbox Rules

    Can you drop the filter for certain members, or just for usergroups?
  14. Woo, finally got it working. I did a virus total scan, totally clean. I got 5 points on my first search
  15.  Dan

    Shoutbox Rules

    Sounds fair. All I can say.
  16. Wanna, you know?...
  17. Nah, when I do my cookies it wipes everything
  18. 103,298... Haha Jks, I cleared my history like 3 secs before you posted this.
  19.  Dan

    ZOMG 400 POSTS

    Gratz <3 I Lol'd at the 3rd pic.
  20. Everyone stop it... Don't reply here unless your here to post a screenie.
  21. I don't care if it's fake, it's worth a chance, I've got nothing to lose... http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=70107872 EDIT: @above post. I have the maps, i'm just bored lol.
  22. Whats a Athrur? Your sig liez.
  23. Dude, i'm not dead... Stop telling everyone I am.
  24.  Dan

    Suck it caratti

    I love the 5th one, idk why, I just really do.
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