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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dan

  1. http://www.goldsovereigns.co.uk/images/1919msovereign2rev400.jpg
  2. Lol, like this poll will mean anything anyway... I doubt Peaches will take any of the results of this poll into account. His decision, not ours
  3. Holocaust.
  4. Lol, thanks guys Today i've been online for 6-6.5 hours so far. It's 7pm... I got up at 12pm. P.S. Meh, I know it's sad, but you know... I live in the middle of no where, my only neighbour is xUKx FrEnZy (You guys remember him?)
  5. Well meh... Peaches said he already has two new globals in mind... I guess we will just have to wait.
  6. I voted for myself, as i'm from England... We need some European staff.
  7. Yeah but now there is no one (Active staff, not retired) from Europe.
  8. That made no sence.
  9. Meh, maybe a mod... TheMasterSnail used to be a sub-admin, and he's from the UK. Maybe after we upgrade Peaches will think of something.
  10. Legacy <3
  11. Yeah, I noticed that they were moving around the screen
  12.  Dan


    Uhh... http://www.infectus.biz/
  13. Nah, you just get that error.
  14. You have no idea what I had to go through to get this
  15. Nah, his name is Joe too.
  16. sillyblob123 (21:31:55): im gay sillyblob123 (21:31:58): no sillyblob123 (21:32:01): yes xDansomee (21:32:03): maybe xDansomee (21:32:10): I dont know, can you repeat the question sillyblob123 (21:32:10): no yes sillyblob123 (21:32:14): no sillyblob123 (21:32:16): im gay xDansomee (21:32:18): orly? sillyblob123 (21:32:20): did you know sillyblob123 (21:32:39): i am the gayest gut in the world xDansomee (21:32:44): lol xDansomee (21:32:50): wear do you live? sillyblob123 (21:33:41): im not joking whenever ed comes round i give him anal and i look at your polewhen youre roun xDansomee (21:34:00): lol xDansomee (21:34:12): hi george sillyblob123 (21:34:13): why u lauphing sillyblob123 (21:34:20): wtf noooo im joe sillyblob123 (21:34:36): george is gay xDansomee (21:34:43): lol sillyblob123 (21:34:58): im being serious xDansomee (21:35:15): Meh, im just posting this convo on ibotz EDIT: I just realised that I spelt "Where" wrong
  17. Ahh nice one Peaches, finally released I love the credits to fattwam. I'll redownload the updated version now, thanks EDIT: I won't download just yet, my internet is going so slow atm.
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