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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan

    My cat

    QUOTE ( Dan @ Apr 8 2009, 04:48 PM) * Are you gunna eat that khat? No, hes going to drink it. Your an idiot. This post has been edited by SotG Caboose♥: Today, 11:23 PM
  2.  Dan

    My cat

    You fail at spelling: an
  3.  Dan

    My cat

    Are you gunna eat that khat?
  4. 2009, this year, what a year it's going to be!
  5. 2008, the year I joined
  6. 2007, when I got my first xbox 360
  7. I've been off for a week so far... Been to the cinema lol.
  8.  Dan


    I lol'd God knows why.
  9. I'll go on BNet and download now... Not sure when i'll be on my xbox though.
  10. The star is a curseword now? Lulz They should make it when you type the stars **** it changes them into a random word like: Cow, Cheese, Halo, Monkeys.
  11. Lock fail.
  12. Haha, that made me LOL when they did the terms and conditions bit at the end, talking soooo fast
  13. I havn't got Halo Wars yet... But this page is going to be bookmarked for when I do get it. Thanks
  14. Add xDansomee.
  15. When we had a look at the beta, it looked really bad lol... We should stay on the current board.
  16. Why is Santa's slogan blocked? Also the other way of saying 'Happy' is too.
  17.  Dan


    Well, I don't know what to say... The list is so long. Jks <3
  18. I don't.
  19.  Dan


  20. Damn..? I'm all good.
  21. Links arn't down... The file has been removed from RapidShare.
  22. Used up all the energy in it...
  23. Why are loads of random dumb words filtered? Are we all like 3 here or something? Dont ban me for posting some. Gay, Damn, Ho.
  24. Ohhh yeah! Another *** and pointless poll... God I love these. Admin/ Mod close this. EDIT: Why is that word filtered..?
  25. Right, did a little research and here's what I got. Source: http://www.mahalo.com/Assassin%27s_Creed_2 -------------------- Edit: Watch this: http://assassinscreed.us.ubi.com/assassins...paign=AC2Teaser Look right at the end.
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