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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Got the same name as Stevens Machinima.
  2. Uhh, I think theres a lil message in the vid, it says 4/16/09.
  3. Assassin's Creed 2 Teaser Trailer Cannot Be Displayed Good quality, and a date right at the end: http://assassinscreed.us.ubi.com/assassins...paign=AC2Teaser
  4. Sorry for this but... Theiving bastards.
  5. Uhh, just do it do every exe the first time you open it?
  6. I dunno how to say this...
  7. Yeah, your Lewie, i'm sure.
  8. Un-tick that lil' box...
  9.  Dan

    Xpargas :)

    Thats because everyone is bored.
  10.  Dan

    Dragon Cave

    Why? Hey, can you put my gift(z) to you in your sig?
  11. Can you take screen shots in game? I don't know... I don't own the game.
  12. Meh, shamefully... This looks pretty legit lol.
  13.  Dan

    My adventure

    Athrun, your sig reminds me of Monty Python.
  14. I'd tap that.
  15. Pics or it didn't happen.
  16.  Dan

    Make me a sig

  17. And an Armadillo.
  18.  Dan

    My birthday

  19. Lol I even said phail But give this guy a break lol... Atleast he's doing something and being active
  20. Who should stay, who should go etc...
  21.  Dan


  22. Thats Firefox with this theme: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4521
  23.  Dan


    Right you are.
  24.  Dan


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