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Everything posted by Dan

  1.  Dan

    KD is Kewl

    Then I will have to do stuff that neither of us will enjoy... Well we may do.
  2.  Dan

    KD is Kewl

    Linkz me on aim then
  3.  Dan

    KD is Kewl

    Oooh I like, can I take a look at the tut so I can haz a go? I like the color version most
  4.  Dan

    Yo momma jokes

    I love teh paste, it's so sticky... @T3, ima in your respect list?
  5. OXM Says 27th Apr.
  6.  Dan


    lfie paihl.
  7. That was probs a name phail
  8.  Dan


    yaeh I kewn aubot it. I was jsut breod lol. Btw, the fsirt and the lsat ltertes hvae to be ccroert.
  9.  Dan


    Arinocdcg to rencet rseaerch, the hmuan brian is plrectfey albe to raed colmpex pasasges of txet caiinontng wdors in whcih the lrettes hvae been jmblued, pvioedrd the frsit and lsat leetrts rmeian in teihr crcerot piiotsons. The fcat taht you are ridenag tihs now wtih reaitvle esae is poorf of the thoery. Wehre did all of tihs strat? It smees taht the trehoy orgteiinad form a 1976 ppaer at the Uvnitsriey of Nigaonthtm wtiertn by Graahm Rwsnailon of Asrhodelt, wichh gvae rsie to an acirlte wihch aaeprrped in the 'Narute' pbuolitaicn in 1999. A fhrtuer alircte in the Tiems neppeawsr in Speemebtr 2003 pivroedd mroe eanxopiatln auobt the peohoemnnn. In the Tmeis aitlcre, Dr Reoaesln MhActcry, a neruo-phylcoogsy lruecter form Knigâs Ceglloe, Cgmdbriae, ssegegtud taht hmuan bnegis are albe to usnatdnerd jeublmd up wdors buaecse the hmaun bairn parimliry raeds the mannieg rehatr tahn the piothenc cnontet of wdors (the sdnuos of the wrdos and leertts). Dr McRtcahy was qoteud as saiyng, taht "...if you can acaitinpte waht the nxet wrod in a snnetece cloud be, you wlil not nslsciareey ntcoie if smoe of the leettrs in taht wrod are out of pclae...", and she aslo taht she was sepsrruid at jsut how rosubt the barinâs rgceotnioin aeiibtils had been pverod to be. "The hamun biarn is a lot mroe toanelrt tahn we had pahrpes risaeled, and it has to cpoe wtih diisputrng in eevydray lfie." The torehy pdeoivrs a fiatsincang pprciesetve on mderon cutonacniimmos and the dmveelnoept of laguange. The terohy aslo hples to eaipxln the doepmevnlet of merodn txet mseniagsg lagunage, and how the hamun biran so rlaidey utendrnsdas atboivbinears and cimtonobnais of lrettes and nbrmeus mainkg new 'wdros' whcih we've nveer seen beofre and yet stlil are albe to usterdannd alsomt iammeiltdey. For emxpale: 'c u lte8r', wihch you'll nitcoe you can utransnded eevn thgouh it's jmulebd. One of the gerat lsneoss form tihs troehy dmsttnareoes the rmaaebrlke pweor of the huamn biarn. Wehn we are yonug we not olny lraen how to raed, but aslo ibcerndily and uninaenionltlty lraen how to raed waht wuold by nmoral cooevntnin be decerbisd as uettr nnsosnee. Tihs bges qtuseonis abuot the dicrieotn of laagngue eolotuvin. Waht wlil lgganaue look lkie in geotrnaiens to cmoe? Whtuoit dobut hmuan binegs are albe to asobrb pvrseiogerlsy mroe maening form pvolesesrrigy rucdnieg anotmus of wrdos and lrttees. We now raed in shohtnrad - and iamegs - and sfcginltianiy we are beord by aiytnhng taht is too lhtngey. Posorneiafl witerrs need to get tehir pniot asorcs in jsut a few seodcns, or the raeedr's anitttoen is lsot. The jmbleud wdros torhey datrmneeosts jsut how caalbpe the biarn is at arnboibsg mneaing far mroe qilcuky tahn msot wrietrs wuold eevr iaimnge. And a fnail daioertomstnn of how celver yuor barin is - can you raed tihs?...
  10. What new features could be added lol?
  11. Wow, and also small parts of google maps on the edge of your land too. Did the aliens to that?
  12. Is there really a red smiley face on your land?
  13. Look for nipplez.
  14. What flavor?
  15. Moar.
  16.  Dan

    My God...

  17.  Dan

    My God...

    GMOF Tucker (13:19:59): "AIs" GMOF Tucker (13:20:05): are dumb xDansomee (13:20:14): yep ,very dumb indeed
  18. Team swat isn't headshots only.
  19. No pr0nz tho.
  20. What was this something else you speak of?
  21. I love V2 and the 3rd one, they are both teh smexy time x 10.
  22.  Dan

    Team SWAT

    I'm alright at swat... Depends what gametype though.
  23. One word: Funkaaaay
  24. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3...layer=xDansomee
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