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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I have no idea... I think he's just a lil' pissed.
  2. Lulz. 1337 |-|4><
  3.  Dan

    my new pet

    Bigger spoiler. http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/famecrawler/2008/10/23-End/michael-jackson-neverland.jpg
  4.  Dan

    my new pet

    He's not who I think he is... Is he?
  5. It looks Asian.
  6. Does BK mean Burger King?
  7. Fooook yeah!
  8. Nice vid, there are some new jumps in there, that I havn't seen before... I will be sure to try them out, thanks.
  9. Ima play some: Team Melee and Grenades... Anyone wanna join me? Add me: xDansomee
  10. Can you get me a LG Viewty unlock please?
  11.  Dan


    Lulz, yeah... Happy bday
  12. /Perma ban. T3A
  13. Thats sick ^^
  14. Khaos' hosting allows it.
  15. Inturn making the mods useless.
  16. People can say whatever they want in off-topic.
  17. I see no ship. ^^
  18. Don't dis pokemon.
  19. Also, remove the pics from your sigs, just have links... Them gay little pics drive me mad lulz.
  20. To put it simply. Yep.
  21. Thats because I pwn... Everyone follows me.
  22.  Dan


  23. Its taking over the forum. Ban it!
  24. Stop being racist.
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